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After the kiss Pavitr remained sitting on Hobie's lap for a while they stared awestruck at each other. They finally snap out of it and pull away from each other but the tension still remains.

Pavitr's POV —

I quickly get off Hobie's lap when the reality of the situation hit me like a truck, I just made out with my crush and I probably seemed so desperate! I watch the way my hands tremble from the kiss, it's like i'm in middle school again. It's actually embarrassing how worked up I am, I really hope he hasn't noticed anything.

"Well what do you want to do now?" Hobie asks calmly as if we weren't just violating each others space.

"I have no idea" I answer, knowing damn well all I wanted was for him to keep kissing and touching me.

"How about we watch a movie?" Hobie suggests, props himself on his couch and grabs the remote before I even answer. I follow him and sit down on the couch a bit further away than I usually do because sitting close to him right now would feel more intimate than usual, he doesn't say anything about it. Instead he puts on a random movie, I can't even focus on what's going on because my mind is still overloaded by what happened earlier, the way he tugged my hair gently but yet so rough, the way his lip piercing ghosted over my lip and sent shivers down my spine, the way his tongue piercing grazed my tongue.
I squeeze my eyes shut trying to think of something else, anything else. Getting 'bothered' right now would be real bad.

"Why're you so quiet?" Hobie asks, the way he's acting like nothing happened is slowly driving me insane, did I just imagine the whole thing?

"No reason" I stutter.

He snickers and moves closer to me, I both love and hate the way he can tower over me even while sitting.

"You seem nervous, Pav. Almost like the first time we met" Hobie teased and glanced at my lips, again. I try to pretend I don't notice it.

"I'm not nervous i'm just thinking about.. stuff" I say, if being bad at lying to Hobie was a sport i'd be on first place.

"What stuff?" He asks and leans down a little closer to me, why does he always have to be so close?

"Just the guy I like" I say since it technically isn't a lie.

He leans back and breaks eye contact first, something Hobie never does.

"So it's a guy, huh?" Hobie says, fucking hell Pavitr now he probably knows it's him. I start sweating when he looks at me again.

"Well, yeah. But i'm not giving you any more hints" I say and he hums in acknowledgment.

"I guess i'll just have to wait until you accidentally say who it is then" Hobie chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"Never gonna happen" I say before yawning. Hobie hears it and suddenly gets on his feet.

"Well I guess it's time we go to sleep, what do 'ya say?" Hobie asks.

"Sounds goo— ah!" I suddenly feel arms grab me and lift me up high. I glare at Hobie and try to get out of his grip.

"Stop struggling, let me be a gentleman and carry you to bed, yeah?" Hobie says and starts walking towards his bedroom, I wrap my arms around his shoulders in fear of falling. I gasp when he suddenly lets me go and drops me on his bed.

"Asshole!" I yell and he laughs before getting in bed with me.

"You know you love me" He says playfully and I resist the urge to punch his stupidity hot face.

"In your dreams, mate" I say, mocking his accent. He fake gasps.

"What did you say?" Hobie asks and fake glares at me.

"I said in your dreams" I repeat and Hobie pounces on top of me, then he starts tickling me to death. The sound of my laughter and screams fill Hobie's messy room.

"Say you love me! Come on I know you want to" Hobie says while tickling me, but i refuse to let him win.

It wasn't before Hobie slid his hand under my shirt that I decided to surrender.

"Okay, okay! I love you!" I scream and he finally stops, I breathe heavily while I watch Hobie take his away. I flush in embarrassment when I notice my shirt is half way up my stomach and the way Hobie looks at my body only fuels it. I look up at him pleadingly, he's so close to me.

Our dark eyes meet and Hobie doesn't even smirk, instead he seems like he's in some sort of trance. Seeing him like that really messes with my head, we're so close. Close enough for our lips to meet again.

My thoughts were cut short by Hobie slumping on the bed beside me, no longer being on top of me. I instantly miss it.

"Wasn't that hard was it now?" Hobie says cockily, I kick his shin and he hisses in pain.

I turn around so my back faces Hobie, I should probably try to get some sleep. But of course my brain had other plans, I started thinking about the kiss from earlier again. Then it hit me, why is Hobie so good at that? Then I remembered the whole Gwen thing, maybe they.. no I don't want to think about this, but maybe I should subtly ask him about her.

"Hobie, you still awake?" I whisper. He hums in reply.

"I noticed that you and Gwen seemed pretty close at rehearsal earlier" I said, hoping he would get what I was trying to ask.

"Oh yeah, me and Gwendy are like two peas in a pod, man. Sometimes she sleeps over and she even steals my jumpers from time to time" Hobie explains and laughs.

Yup they definitely have something going on, I mean what friends sleep over at each other and steals clothes, do they also kiss at sleepovers? Maybe they even go further.

I sigh and close my eyes, ready to sleep but I suddenly feel Hobie press against my back and wrap his arms around me.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Trying to sleep?" He answers.

A smile appears on my face and the familiar warmth rushes to my face. God i'm so in love with him. I let myself relax in his embrace, closing my eyes once again.

"Goodnight, Pav" Hobie whispers and buries his face in my hair. My heart grows a few sizes too big for my chest before I respond.

"Goodnight, Hobie"

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