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A party had been planned now all they needed was invitations. Hobie and Pavitr were in charge of decorating and handing out the invitations.

Hobie's POV —

I splash a bunch of glitter on the cards because it has to be eye catching you know? But Pavitr doesn't seem to be very into my creativity.

"Bro you're getting the glitter everywhere!" Pavitr screams and brushes some glitter off his pants. I grin, it's always so amusing to me when Pavitr gets angry.

"Oh, I am?" I ask and throw a handful of glitter directly at Pavitr which he dodges surprisingly.

"Oh I see how it is, take that!" Pavitr yells and throws glitter at me, I gasp and try to dodge it but I reacted way too late.

"Oh it's on!" I yell back.

Me and Pavitr continue to run around my dorm, throwing glitter at each other but most of it ends up all over my room.

I see Pavitr try to catch his breath for a second so I take it as a chance to attack him. I ponce onto him, knocking us both over.

"I won!" I say proudly and look down at Pavitr who is staring wide eyed at me. I tilt my head and some glitter falls out of my hair onto his face, he doesn't seem to react or even notice it. I gently brush some of it off with my hand, I notice how warm his cheeks are. I would be lying to myself if I said he didn't look rather gorgeous, so I let myself look at him for a moment, or two.. maybe three.

Suddenly he seems to come back to reality judging by the way his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes ripping away from mine.

"That's cheating! get the hell off me, weirdo!" Pavitr yells but the sound comes out slightly muffled due to him holding a hand over half his face. 

Suddenly the door opens and Miles walks in, I watch how Pavitr's cheeks get even redder than before if that was possible, cute.

I shift my view back to Miles and his jaw is practically on the floor, I can't help but laugh as I feel Pavitr push me off him by my chest.

"What the hell happened here?!" Miles asks, and puts his hands on his head dramatically.

"What're you talking 'bout?" I ask while getting up from the floor.

"It's glitter every-fucking-where!! you guys were supposed to decorate cards not the room.." Miles says and sighs, completely ignoring that I was just on top of Pavitr.

"Don't worry, I don't have a dorm mate. No one will see it" I say and grab Mile's shoulder gently trying to calm him down all while trying not to chuckle because Miles is more concerned than I am.

"I'll get the vacuum cleaner, just please go and give people the cards" Miles responds, completely ignoring me.

Me and Pavitr look at each other before grabbing the cards and walking out of the room. We walk through the hallways handing out the invitations to people left and right. Pavitr was a natural at this, making small talk with people on the way. For me I don't have to make small talk, everyone already knows who I am. Some girls that's a fan of my music came up to me and started chatting, I usually don't mind though but right now i'd rather be with Pavitr. So I give them the invitations and grab Pavitr by his arm to bring him somewhere less crowded, that place ended up being the school rooftop.

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