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A week after the whole Mateo thing Hobie was on his feet again and felt better. Before they knew it it was already the final week of school and summer was rolling around.

Pavitr's POV —

Me, Miles, Hobie and Gwen have been laughing for an entire hour, but the teachers should've known better than to put us together. I feel myself being able to relax because summer is literally my favourite time of year because no school and I get to chill in my hometown.. but what about Hobie? Will I get to see him this summer or does he have plans?

"What are you guys doing this summer?" Miles asks, sometimes I wonder if he can read thoughts alongside his invisibility and electricity powers.

"Me and Hobie are gonna be playing for people but other than that I guess I'll just be chilling" Gwen answers.

"I'm probably gonna go back home for a while, I haven't really planned anything though" I admit.

"I'm basically doing the same shit as Gwendy" Hobie says and looks kinda bummed out.

"Maybe we can all spend some time together?" Miles asks.

"Of course we will" I respond and Miles smiles relieved.

"You know it would be really fun to spend time together on the fourth of July" Gwen plans.

"I'd love that, i've never celebrated that before!" I say excitedly.

"Me neither" Hobie adds.

"Fourth of July it is" Miles says and gets up from his chair, class must've been over for a while because the whole place was cleared except for us.

We leave class, when we're in the hallways we see a poster about another talent show to wrap up the school year. And of course Hobie is immediately interested.

"I wanna try something different this time" Hobie thinks out loud.

"Pav! Do you wanna sing together?" Hobie asks and everyone seems pleased with the idea except for me.

"You know I can't sing" I complain.

"'Course you can, i've heard you" Hobie says, Gwen and Miles nods.

"Come on, Pav. Do it! Do it! Do it!" Gwen, Miles and Hobie chant.

"Fine, fine. But I get to choose the song then" I laugh.

"Fine with me but I get to choose the outfits" Hobie announces.


Throughout the week Miles and Gwen helped Pavitr to pick a song that would go well with the duo, they ended up finding one that matched their voices perfectly. Hobie on the other hand made all the clothes himself, and even some accessories. Today is the last day of school and the talent show.

Pavitr's POV —

I curiously put on the clothes Hobie had handed me, it consisted of a pair of black ripped jeans paired with a ripped t-shirt and a vest similar to Hobie's. I smile to myself when I notice he took the time to sew a Indian patch on it.

"You soon done, love? We're on in about fifteen minutes" Hobie yells from outside of my bathroom. I walk out and watch the way Hobie stares at me in amazement.

"Fuckin' hell. You look amazing" Hobie says and looks me up and down. This isn't my usual style but the way he looks at me makes me consider changing it.

Me and Hobie go to the backstage area and wait for our turn. My heart thumps harder each time we it gets closer to our turn and my palms more sweaty.

"Hobie Brown and Pavitr Prabhakar are up next!"  Someone says into the mic, as me and Hobie step up on stage I almost feel like throwing up.

"I don't think I can do this" I stammer, Hobie reaches out for my hands and intertwines our fingers.

"It'll be alright, just focus on me. You think you can do that?" Hobie asks gently.

I nod, he squeezes my hand and smiles at me when the curtains open. The crowd cheers as soon as they see Hobie.

"Just follow my lead" Hobie whispers and hands me a mic.

The intro to the song I chose starts, Miles and Gwen give us a thumbs of from the front of the crowd and it makes me feel a bit more at ease. Me and Hobie start singing the song and the crowd recognises it and starts singing along. It hypes me up and I start to understand why Hobie loves this so much. Hobie notices how much fun i'm having so he looks at me with a huge smile on his face and he looks at me like i'm the most amazing person he's ever laid his eyes upon.

The song finishes and Hobie holds both our hands up in the air as people cheer and scream for us. As soon as we get off stage Miles forces us into the most comforting group hug we've ever shared.

"You guys were amazing!" Miles cheers.

"That was the most scary and fun thing i've done!" I giggle.

"You did amazing" Hobie praises and hugs me tightly.

Later that day a lot of people said goodbye to us after we packed our important belongings. We watched as people parted ways for the summer and it made me kinda sad to know that was soon gonna be us.

"Do you guys wanna patrol the town? I feel way better now and it's been a minute" Hobie suggests, I know it's because he's scared to say goodbye and I am too.

"Sure, you guys have time?" I ask Miles and Gwen. They nod and pull on theirs masks.

Our little patrol somehow turned into a childish game of hide and seek. Miles is the seeker this round, me and Hobie obviously go hide together. We find a secluded building, we cling to the wall out of breath. When we notice Miles isn't gonna find us any time soon we crawl onto the roof. Hobie leans on the wall and I sit upside down on a higher point of the building.

"I'm scared" Hobie suddenly says. I down at him confused.

"Of what?" I look down at him concerned that it possibly might be about Mateo or something.

"Of not seein' you for the summer. M'scared you might forget about me or somethin" Hobie admits with embarrassment apparent on his face.

"Me forget you?" I laugh.
"I could never forget someone that makes my life better by just existing" I say and the smile that forms on Hobie's face is so sweet that I store it alongside a list of his other smiles in my head.

"Please just come and see me sometimes?" Hobie looks up at me with love struck eyes.

"I couldn't have gone two months without seeing you in the first place" I say happily.

Hobie then stands up straight so our faces are only a few inches from each other. I drag my mask off my face to let our lips touch. Our positioning is a bit awkward but it's still so full of emotion nevertheless.

"Come on love birds! Game's over, we're hungry!"  Gwen yells from a nearby building.
Me and Hobie giggle before swinging towards the others.

I guess I was right about this year being interesting, but never in my life would I think that i'd end up in a relationship with someone as great as Hobie.

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