Make me

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Pavitr's POV —

"Make me" He dares.

I waste no time in grabbing Hobie by the collar of his shirt, dragging him down to my level and smashing my lips onto his much like yesterday only this time I knew what I was doing.

Hobie quickly melts into the kiss and let's me keep fisting his shirt, he leans his face a little to the left making the kiss even deeper than it already was. I gasp when I feel cold slender hands slither under my shirt. Hobie forces his tongue into my mouth and my knees almost give out. Hobie notices it and lifts me on top of the table without breaking the kiss. I desperately wrap my arms around Hobie's shoulders.
I whimper when Hobie suddenly pulls away, we both stare at each other panting before his lips trails down to my neck and oh my god.

I let out an involuntary sound when he starts kissing my neck and gently suck into my skin. I squeeze my eyes shut when I feel my dick start to get uncomfortably hard. I unconsciously lean my head a bit more back so he has more room to leave marks, Hobie holds my hips firmly and I start loosing myself completely. I gently tug his hair and he stops what he's doing to look at me.

"Kiss me" I whisper.

Hobie doesn't make me have to ask twice because before I know it I feel his lips on mine again and fuck did it feel good. I shudder when I feel one of his hands slide from my stomach down to my crotch. I yelp in embarrassment and hide my face in the crook of his neck, drowning in his scent.

"You want help with that?" Hobie asks with no judgement on his tone, instead it almost sounds like he's pleading to help me.

I nod in reply.

"Words, Pav. Use your words. I want to hear you" Hobie demands and it feels like my heart is gonna explode.

"Please, please, Hobie. I can't take it anymore" I beg and Hobie gives me one final kiss before lowering himself to my crotch. I suck in a breath as I watch his hands outline my clothed dick, I impatiently wait for him to do more. He finally hooks his fingers to my pants and underwear and pulls them both off in a swift motion.

I hide my face in embarrassment when I notice i've already started leaking pre-cum without him even touching me yet. I feel his hands pry my own ones away from my face.

"Don't hide your face. I want to see you, love" Hobie says and I feel my face impossibly get hotter. Then my eyes widen, Hobie takes me into his hands and slowly starts moving from the shaft to the top. I immediately loose all control of my breathing, fuck his hands feel so much better than my own. I've fantasised about this happening like a thousand times but this is so much better than I could ever imagine. I moan loudly when he swipes his thump over the tip of my leaking cock and thank the gods that this room is soundproof.

"I can use my mouth" Hobie suggests casually as if he's talking about the weather.

"You don't have to" I say shakily.

"No but I want to, please let me do it" Hobie pleads and I feel even more turned on, I nod and he licks the tip, and my legs start shaking violently from how warm it felt.
He starts jerking me off while licking the tip of it and if I hadn't already lost my mind I was about to because he suddenly takes every single inch of me into his mouth at once, I scream in pleasure and grab his hair for support.

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