Jealousy is a good colour on you

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Pavitr wakes up the next morning before Hobie, he carefully got out of bed and got ready in Hobie's bathroom, that's when he saw another toothbrush that he immediately knew belonged to Gwen. He was starting to get fed up with being the only jealous one so today he would try and see if he could make Hobie jealous again even though he wasn't sure if Hobie was jealous in a way a friend is or jealous in a different way. To him it didn't matter though, he loved whenever Hobie got jealous because of him regardless of what way it was.

Pavitr's POV —

I bust through me and Mile's dorm and snort at the way he flinches, he groans and runs his hands through his hair before facing me with an unamused expression.

"What's gotten you so excited?" He asks.

"SobasicallymeandHobiekissed—" I say quickly and Miles cuts me off.

"You're gonna have to say that again, and in english this time please" He says.

I take a deep breath before restarting.

"Basically me and Hobie kissed yes—"

"WHAT?!" Miles yells, now looking completely awake.

"Would you let me explain?" I ask and raise a brow angrily, he nods eagerly.

"Alright so we kissed because he said he wanted to teach me how to kiss my 'crush' and that crush is him but he doesn't know it yet and I need help" I explain and Miles looks confused.

"You guys kissed what more do you need help with?" Miles asks and I groan.

"I need help making him jealous because of the whole Gwen thing" I say awkwardly and look at him pleadingly, he gives me a shocked look.

"Wait, wait, wait. You want to use me to make Hobie jealous? Dude I think he knows i'm into Gwen" Miles says.

"Well you don't have to do anything, just be with me the rest of the day. I'll help you with Gwen then if they aren't too serious about things" I offer and the mention of Gwen immediately makes him light up.

"Alright, you better keep your part of the deal then" Miles says and I nod.


Miles and Pavitr agree to go to Hobie and Gwen's band rehearsal, half of the reason being that they wanted to see their crushes and the other half because was because of Pavitr's plan.

Hobie's POV —

I watch lazily as Gwen paces around the room and talks about something I can't quite grasp because a certain dark haired boy keeps confusing me, I mean he says he's into someone else but won't say who it is even though i'm his best friend, he lets me snog him and then he leave without even saying bye in the morning?

"Hobie stop daydreaming about Pavitr and tell me what the hell I should tell my dad" Gwen complains.

Gwen has known how I feel about Pavitr since day one, in moments like these I kinda wish she didn't though.

"Sorry, Gwendy. It's just that something happened last night" I say and she stops in her tracks and looks at me interested.

"Tell me all the details" She says and slumps down on the floor next to me.

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