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Pavitr's POV —

"Let's take this back to your place, yeah?" Hobie smirks, I eagerly nod. He helps me up on my feet and we start swinging towards my place again.
My whole body feels tingly from excitement as we crawl through my window.

As soon as our feet hit the floor of my bedroom we start kissing again. My hands buried in Hobie's wicks and his arms around my waist.
This whole situation feels so unreal when Hobie pushes me onto the bed and hovers above me.
Our kiss suddenly gets rougher and Hobie presses his hips against mine, I gasp lustfully at how hard he has become from just kissing. I remember that he helped me last time so maybe I can try helping him. I gently push Hobie's face away and he looks at me confused.

"Let me do it" I say, he tilts his head to the side making his hair tickle my face.

"Do what?" He asks and I lower myself to the floor so that i'm between his legs. He finally gets the point and flushes a deep red.

"You really don't have to, darlin" Hobie says and gently caresses my cheek.

I look up at him with big doe eyes because I know that's all it takes for him to loose all his sanity. I hear the rustling of his belt so my eyes follow the sound. When he finishes unbuckling his belt his hands slide to the elastic of his boxer as he pulls it off alongside his pants.
I almost gasp at how huge his dick is when it slaps against his stomach, and the fact that it's going to be inside me later is making me go insane.
I take one final glance up at Hobie before wrapping my hand around his cock, it twitches in my hand as I stick my tongue out to lick the tip.
I feel my heart beating fast out of nervousness and excitement, i've never done this before but the soft groans escaping Hobie's mouth encourages me to take as much as I can in my mouth.

I slide his shaft into my mouth, when it hits the back of my throat I gag so I decide to take half of it in my mouth while jerking off the other half.

"Ah.. fuck you're so good at this" Hobie breathes, his praise travelling directly to my dick.
I moan on his dick and look up at him with watery eyes, but even through all the tears I can see how blown out his pupils are with lust.

"You're so fucking pretty like this" Hobie says and brushes some of my hair from my face in order to see me better, even now that made me feel shy.
I bob my head up and down a few more times before he lifts my head up by my hair.

"Get on the bed" He orders and I follow. I crawl onto the bed again, then Hobie pushes me down into the mattress and starts kissing my neck while groping the bulge between my legs.

"Hobie, hurry.." I say impatiently when he trails a teasing finger over my clothed dick.

"Beg for it" Hobie smirks.

"Please, Hobie" I beg not even knowing what for. It didn't really matter though because Hobie was already taking off my clothes. He bit his lip as he took in the sight of me only in my underwear. When he finally slid off the last bit of clothing a sudden wave of embarrassment hit me so I closed my legs.

"Are you sure you still want this?" Hobie asks and places his warm palms on my knees. I nod nervously and open my legs.

"You're beautiful" Hobie reminds me and kisses my cheek before getting off the bed and rummaging through his bag then positioning himself between my legs again with a bottle in his hand and some condoms.

"I'm going to need you to relax now, love. It might be a little uncomfortable at first but it'll get better after a while" Hobie explains and squeezes lube onto his long fingers.
I do as he says and relax my body as much as I can. He slips a cold finger inside of me and I can't help but tense around it before getting somewhat used to the sensation, then he added another. I moan loudly when he starts thrusting his fingers inside of me, hitting a spot that felt amazing over and over again.

"You like that?" He asks with a confident grin on his face. I nod desperately in reply and he chuckles in amusement.
He then adds another finger and cover my mouth to prevent myself from screaming in pleasure. This went on for a little longer until he removed all the digits at once, making me yearn for more.

I watch as Hobie slips a condom onto his cock, he then lifts my legs so that they're resting over his shoulders.

"You want this in you? Hobie asks teasingly while stroking his ridiculously big dick.

"Fuck, Hobie just do it" I plead desperately.

I shudder at the feeling of Hobie's tip slowly pressing into me. Around when half of it is in I groan at how full I feel.

"Soon there, just a little more" Hobie whispers and showers my neck in kisses. I squeeze my eyes shut as he pushes in the rest, fucking hell I swear I can feel it in my stomach.

Hobie starts moving his hips slowly, making me grunt in both pain and want. He whispers sweet things in my ear while keeping the same slow rhythm.

Then suddenly all the pain faded into pleasure and I needed more.

"Want more, please, I can't—" I say through my moans and shallow breathing. At first I didn't know if Hobie understood a word coming out of my mouth until he started thrusting faster.

My eyes roll back into my skull as he starts getting rougher and more brutal with each thrust. I arch my back at the way I feel the tip of his dick hit the same spot over and over again and the way his fingers grabbed around my neglected dick, stroking it at the same pace as his thrusts.

"You feel so fuckin' good" Hobie moans. The only sounds being heard from the room right now were the dirty sounds of skin slapping against each other and moaning.

"You're so loud for me, Pav. If you keep this up everyone will know what a slut you are" Hobie whispers and bites the lobe of my ear teasingly.
I shut my eyes in shame of being turned on by the thought of everyone knowing what me and Hobie were doing.

I start feeling my climax approaching way quicker than I would have wished for. Maybe I should tell Hobie to go slower? But it feels so damn good I can't—

I cum all over my stomach with a loud noise, not even caring how I sounded. Hobie thrusted a few more times before finishing and slumping down on the bed next to me.

We both lay there for a second, catching our breath before Hobie turns to his side to look at my dazed state.

"So? How was it?" Hobie asks knowing damn well I loved every second of it.

"Fucking amazing" I say with a sluggish smile on my face while burning myself into Hobie's chest.

"I'm so lucky to have you" Hobie says and buries his face into my hair. I close my eyes and let exhaustion take over me.

We both fall asleep with our hearts beating in sync with one another.

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