The party

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The weekend finally rolled around, Friday night is the night of the party. Everyone decided to have it at Hobie's dorm since it's far away from others and once again he has no dorm mate.

Pavitr's POV —

I can't help but sing and dance while getting ready for the party, Miles recognises the song and sings along with me.

"Oh shit man, we gotta get going to Hobie's place" Miles says panicked as he reads the time.

"Alright let's go bro" I say after taking one final glance at myself in the mirror, I want everyone to think I look good tonight. I wonder if Hobie thinks I look good.. not because I want to impress him or anything.

We make it to Hobie's dorm and see Gwen and him talking on his old but comfy couch. I notice the way they sit close together, almost like me and him. My heart does an uncomfortable throb. I glance over at Miles, not wanting to look at them anymore. Mile's expression reflects exactly how I feel. The moment doesn't last long though since Hobie noticed we walked in.

"Miles and Pavitr! come here" Hobie says. Miles doesn't waste a second, he throws himself in the couch directly between Gwen and Hobie, I smile at how obvious he is. I sit on the floor in front of them.

"What should we do? it's like half an hour until people start showing up" Gwen says.

"Anyone want chai?" I ask, everyone nods so I make my way to Hobie's kitchen. I notice all the alcohol they had bought. Suddenly I feel someone's breath on my ear.

"You look good, you trying to impress someone?" Hobie asks while hugging me from behind. I freeze in place, he thinks I look good? I try to keep calm but fail miserably, the feeling of him being pressed so close to me can be the blame for that.

"Maybe I am" I answer, testing him to see what reaction he would have. He lets go of me and leans against the counter beside me, I feel myself finally being able to breathe normally.

"Oh really? Do you fancy someone?" Hobie asks teasingly, but there's a hint of something else on his tone that I can't quite pinpoint.

Before I can answer Miles runs into the kitchen and announces that people are showing up. Hobie follows Miles to the hallway to greet them.

But I stay still in my place, do I like someone? The last time i've liked someone was for a long time ago and i'm pretty sure I don't like anyone. For some reason the thought of Hobie seeped into my brain, probably because he's the one that asked the question.


A lot of people showed up to the party, the whole room was packed with people. The scent of alcohol filled the whole area and the sound of loud music and talking was heard.

Miles and Pavitr were in the kitchen, Miles was getting some drinks for Gwen. Hobie was talking to some of his fan girls, and Pavitr was getting bored so he decided he was gonna try to have some fun.

Pavitr's POV —

I follow Miles to the kitchen because he wanted to get a drink for Gwen and himself. I prop myself onto the counter and glance around the room, searching the area for Hobie. It doesn't take long before I see him, I admire his smile and the way he always tilts his head while talking. But who is he talking to? I glance a little further and see a pretty girl, i'm guessing she's one of his little fans. God, do they always have to talk to him?

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