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Pavitr wakes up before Hobie later that day, whatever Hobie was drugged with still hadn't worn off and it was making Pavitr uneasy.

Pavitr's POV —

I pour Hobie a cup of chai and put the indecent amount of sugar he likes in it. I go back to the room hoping for him to be awake but he's still sleeping as if he's been awake for over a year.

I put the cup on the bedside table and slide into bed with him and try to wake him up for the third time today, I sigh out of relief when I see his dark brown eyes finally open.

"How long have I been out?" Hobie asks and sits up.

"Not too long, you woke up for some hours ago but fell back asleep again" I say. He nods slowly.

Hobie goes quiet, which is extremely concerning but it's not weird after what happened yesterday. I watch his trembling hand take the cup of tea. Shouldn't it have worn off by now?

"M'sorry you had to see that last night, swear I don't usually get drugged by unhinged exes" Hobie jokes but I can tell he's deeply wounded and just the sight of his tired eyes makes me want to cry.

"Why are you apologising? It's not your fault.. I was just so worried for you" I say and my heart breaks at the thought of what would happen if I hadn't showed up when I did.

"I guess you want to know about him" Hobie sighs, I grab his hand and look at him.

"Hobie you don't have to explain yourself, of course I want to know, but take your time. Don't rush yourself for me." I say and rub my thumb on his hand.

"No I owe you an explanation after what happened, just give me a second" Hobie utters and closes his eyes.

It takes a moment for him to talk, I wait patiently.

"Remember how I said I was a squatter?" Hobie asks and I nod.

"Well one night Mateo found me sleeping at a park and he invited me to stay over. One night turned into another and we eventually started dating. Relationship quickly turned sour, but considering my situation I couldn't really leave.." Hobie explains and I watch anxiously as he swallows hard and his eyes tear up slightly. I immediately hug him tight.

"And he took advantage of both me and the situation I was in. Lucky for me I met Gwen, she helped me through everything and I started crashing at hers until I finally got a spot in this school" Hobie finishes and I feel rage fill my head, there's no way i'm letting Mateo just get away with this. I don't care how long ago this was.

"Love, i'm pretty sure I should be the one crying" Hobie chuckles weakly and dries my cheeks.

"I wish I was there to help you" I whisper and now Hobie is the one holding my hand and gently stroking my hair.

"Don't dwell too much on the past, you're here now and that's all that matters" Hobie says and it feels like I fall for him for the second time.

But the need for some sort of revenge was still very present, and i'm gonna do something about it.

"I love you so much, Hobie" I say and shower his face in kisses. He genuinely smiles at me before kissing me back on the lips gently.

"Love you too darling, don't know what I would do without you" He says and it makes me realise I couldn't even picture my life without him if I tried. He's like the final piece I needed to be complete.

I hear a door open and Miles call out for me and Hobie.

"Just stay here, i'll go talk to him" I say and Hobie nods sleepily.

I open the door of Hobie's room and see Miles holding a little bag with medicine in it. I try to smile at him but I physically can't because of how angry and devastated I feel.

"Is he okay, or at least better than last night?" Miles asks with genuine concern.

"Yeah he's better now, just a little weak" I say and try hard to calm down but I just can't help the urge to beat Mateo to a pulp.

"You good? You look a little pale" Miles says and puts his hand on my forehead to check my temperature.

"We need to go back" I say sternly.

Miles takes away his hand when he notices i'm not sick and instead just furious.

"You planning on taking revenge on the dickhead from yesterday?" Miles says, immediately catching on.

"You know it, are you in?" I ask and get ready my web shooters.

"Obviously! Come on let's get Gwen she can help us plan how to do this" Miles says.

We walk to Gwen's dorm and she seems just as down for the plan as we are. She helps us set up an amazing plan to completely ruin Mateo's life. Now it's just up to me and Miles to put it into action.

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