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Pav makes his way to Hobie's band rehearsal thinking that would be the last he would see of Hobie that day, but God was he wrong.

Pavitr's POV —

I watch how my hand trembles as I grab the door handle for the room where Hobie usually does his rehearsals, maybe I should just cancel and tell him I feel sick? No, that would be too risky when he knows i've been avoiding him.

I take a deep breath before finally opening the door, my heart skips a beat when I see Hobie. He isn't even doing anything and I still feel nervous.

Our eyes suddenly meet, he smiles and gestures for me to come closer. I close the door and walk over to him.

"I was starting to think you weren't coming" He says and laughs.

"Bro why would I miss the opportunity of a lifetime, seeing Hobie play his guitar" I say dramatically and he plays along and bows.

"Take a seat and listen to what i've got then" He spoke.

I nod, sit down on an uncomfortable chair and watch him fix some things on his guitar before starting to play. The sound of him playing filled the room. Even though our music tastes are completely different I really loved whatever he is playing, he really is so talented. I watch the way his long dark fingers strum the strings of his guitar. I look up at his face and my heart stops, his eyes are closed and I notice how pretty his eyelashes are and the way his jawline looks amazing from this angle.. then it's his lips, I wonder if it hurt when he got his piercing done.. I wonder how it would feel to kiss him. Suddenly his lips curve up into a smirk and I snap out of my thought.

"So? What do you think?" He asks.

"You're amazing, I wish I knew how to play" I answer, this is going way better than I had expected.

He looks deep in thought for a second before suddenly sitting down on the floor.

"I'll show you how to play" he says and taps the space between his legs, my eyes widen. No way, I can't do that!

"Oh, okay" I utter and slowly prop myself between his legs, he scoots closer to me until my back is pressed against his chest, then he helps me hold the guitar.

"I will show you an easy song, alright?" Hobie says directly into my ear, I nod and desperately fight to keep my breathing at a steady pace.

He puts his hands on mine and places my fingers where they're supposed to be. I try to do what I saw him do earlier and fail, multiple times. He laughs every time I mess up and tries to help.

I feel my heart flutter at the way he's always so gentle with me,
but it's Hobie he's like this with everyone I remind myself. It still feels nice though.

"If you weren't so shit at this you could have impressed the person you fancy" Hobie jokes, or tries to at least I can still hear the weird hint of something else lingering on his tone.

"Yeah, I guess i'll have to impress them in another way" I say, I feel Hobie slightly tighten his grip on my hands as if he's afraid he'll loose me.

"They'd be and idiot to not be impressed by you" Hobie whispers under his breath. My ears as well as the rest of my body heats up.

Then it clicked.

Is Hobie jealous?

I hear the door open and Gwen walks in with Miles trailing behind her. She gives us a weird look before approaching us.

"Hobes, are you ready to practice? I see you brought company so I guess you don't mind that Miles is here" She says.

I immediately feel disappointed after hearing her words, of course me and him weren't gonna be alone, it's band rehearsal. But why does she always need to be with him? And why do they use nicknames for each other?

"Of course not, who do ya think I am?" Hobie chuckles and gets up, I frown at the loss of him being so close to me.

I see Miles in the corner of my eye sadly getting a seat, I follow his lead and sit down next to him. Gwen and Hobie starts playing a song together, they also make idiotic jokes along the way and Gwen laughs way to hard at Hobie's jokes. Like I get he's funny and all but it doesn't mean you have to make sure the whole campus hears you.

"I think she likes him" Miles whispers sadly, I get the urge to hug him.

After Miles said that it made me think, does Hobie like her? I let my eyes search the tall punk for any clues. I notice the way he looks at her, the way he's always smiling when she's around. It makes my heart throb and I start feeling nauseous.
My final straw was when Hobie asked Gwen if the sweater she was wearing was his and she nodded.

I can't stand this any longer so i'm quickly on my feet and storming out of the room, i'm so stupid for even thinking I have the slightest chance with Hobie. He probably doesn't even like boys and if he did it most definitely wouldn't be me.

I look down at my feet and realise that i'm standing on grass, I must've been so caught up in my own thoughts that I went outside.

I sit down and appreciate the nice summer breeze. I smile to myself when I remember this is exactly where I saw Hobie for the first time. I grunt in frustration and hide my face in my palms, there he is again! I swear I can't go five minutes without thinking about him. Well that's gonna stop now, from today I won't ever think about him again, never ever—

"Knew i'd find you here" A extremely familiar voice said next to me, I mean how could I not recognise a voice so attractive.. and that accent. No! I have to get over him.

"What do you want?" I ask, not even looking at him because I just know my heart will start beating faster than it already is.

"Oi, what's gotten you so upset? Tell me i'll listen" Hobie asks.

"Nothing, I just felt like getting some fresh air. Get off my ass" I snap back at him.

Hobie doesn't say anything for a while and it's driving me insane. I shouldn't have been so rude, it's just so much going on in my head right now. I want to calm down but I can't since I feel the way he's staring at me. I risk a glance at him and he immediately smirks, I glare at him and he laughs. That laugh can brighten anyone's mood so I feel myself relax a little.

"S'fine, I got bored anyway" He finally says.

After that we start talking again like nothing happened, I feel so happy whenever i'm with him even if I was angry a second ago.

"Y'know it's been a while since we had a sleepover, wanna come over to mine?" Hobie requests.

I remember the way he held me last time we had a sleepover, as pathetic as it sounds I really wouldn't mind feeling it again.

"Sure" I accept.

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