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Pavitr tries to find a perfect time to ask Hobie again but that seemed way harder than what he had hoped.

Pavitr's POV —

My eyes follow every movement of Hobie's hand while he tunes it. We've sat in silence for a while now, me laying on his bed while he's sitting on the edge.

"I can hear you being quiet, Pav" Hobie utters, keeping his eyes glued to his guitar. I suddenly feel needy for his attention so I sit up and rest my head on his shoulder, he smiles and kisses my forehead before going back to what he was doing.

I feel at ease for a second before the name 'Mateo' found its way back to the front of my mind, I really want to know more but at the same time I don't want to make Hobie uncomfortable.

Hobie finally puts his guitar down and picks something up from under the bed. I watch in interest as Hobie takes my hand and drops a beautiful obviously homemade bracelet. It had a bunch of cool guitars and some cute little teacups on it and our favourite colours danced around the decorations.

"Made this for you. Now you can finally get rid of this one" Hobie says and pulls off the bracelet Gayatri had given me, which I had completely forgotten I had on and replaces it with his own one. I smile and hug him.

"Come on you can thank me in another way than that" Hobie challenges.
I act annoyed before diving in to kiss him. As soon as I feel his cold lip piercing I felt the familiar addictive chills. Our position was a bit awkward because of our height difference so I climb onto his lap in order to kiss him deeper and of course he didn't protest. I start feeling Hobie getting slightly more greedy as he grabs my hips firmly and starts grinding my hips on his crotch.
I was about to help Hobie take off his shirt but then we heard banging on his door.

Hobie snorts at my sad face and I get off him as slowly as I can, hoping whoever is knocking will just get bored of waiting and leave.

"Calm, Pav. We'll continue this later" Hobie reassures and I feel my ears heat up.

Hobie opens the door and sees Gwen happily waiting on the other side.

"Hope I didn't disturb you two lovebirds" Gwen teases and sits down in the bed next to me while Hobie stands with his arms crossed curious to why Gwen was so excited.

"What's got you all smiley, Gwendy?" Hobie questions.

"Someone from the talent show liked our performance so much that they invited us to play for them at their party tonight" Gwen explains and Hobie's eyes light up much like mine does whenever I get the chance to talk about my home country.

"Finally I was waiting' for the chance to play! Where're they located?" Hobie asks eagerly, already picking up his guitar to practice.

"A couple of hours out of town, we should probably get going soon. They said they would call us a cab" Gwen explains and Hobie hugs her excitedly before taking my hand and pulling me close to him.

"You ready to party?" Hobie asks with a quirked brow, I smile when I take note that he always uses the pierced one to do so.

"You know I am" I say and Hobie grabs a few more things before taking my hand again and holding it through the hallway.

"I'll go get Miles, you guys can just wait outside" Gwen says and Hobie nods. 

When we get out it's raining slightly and the trees rustled from all the wind. I shudder a few times before Hobie looks down at me concerned.

"Why didn't you tell me you were cold?" Hobie asks and takes off his guitar, dropping it gently into my hands which make them sink from the weight of it.

"I'm not cold" I insist when I see him take off his jacket. He doesn't listen. He swiftly takes his guitar back and slips his jacket over my shoulders. I try giving him it back when I notice he only had a t-shirt underneath but he gave me a warning look so I stopped and instead enjoyed the feeling of getting to wear something that belonged to Hobie.

"Looks good on you" Hobie winks and I flush.

Gwen and Miles as long as the cab came all at once. Hobie helped Gwen put her stuff in the trunk alongside his guitar before we all claimed our seats, Gwen being in the passenger seat and Miles and Hobie being on each sides of me.

Miles was humming a song quietly to himself while looking out the window, Gwen was taking a nap and Hobie was telling me stories about all sorts of trouble he would get into back in his universe. His stories should make me feel shocked and concerned but all I can think about is how such a tough person can have a soft spot for me.

The car ride comes to a stop and we get out in front of a pretty big house with many flashy cars parked outside. I could feel the vibrations of the music as soon as my feet hit the first step of the house.

"Rich folks" Hobie groans sarcastically before opening the door, me and the others follow shortly after and I bump into a handful of people due to how little space it is.

A guy who i'm guessing is the host of the party sees Gwen and Hobie and shows them to the stage while me and Miles go and sit at a couple of unoccupied seats and watch as they start playing.

"Man if only my party was this big" Miles says in admiration.

"Don't beat yourself up, man. Your party was great too" I yell over the music, even though I can't remember half of what went down that night.

Miles smiles warmly at me and hands me one of the drinks he ordered. We both turn a view back to Hobie and Gwen who were deep in concentration. In the crowd I could see many familiar faces from school, his fangirls went out their way to see him here. I take another sip, feeling smug about how Hobie would choose me over them any day.

The music dies down as Hobie and Gwen take a five minute break behind stage. Another random song starts playing but not as loud as before.

I notice my vision getting slightly blurry and my body a bit heavier due to the alcohol already kicking in. Miles tried talking to me but I don't really listen because my eyes keep wandering all over the place for Hobie. When I don't see him anywhere I lean back in my seat and wait until I hear him play again.. until I heard someone yell;


I stiffen uncomfortably in my seat at the name. Maybe I misheard?

"Mateo who are you looking for?" The same voice says.

Okay I definitely didn't mishear, but there's plenty of people named Mateo. There's no way this is the same Mateo Hobie was talking about, right?

I nervously watch Hobie start playing again with a horrible feeling something's about to go wrong eating away at me.

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