Ch. 2 Shes alive?

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"Hey, guys," Buffy said to the Scooby Gang as she entered the Magic Box. 

"Hey, Buff!" Willow said as she walked down from the little upstairs book nook.

"Hello, luv," Spike purred from the doorway leading to the basement giving everyone a start. Tara looked up from her book and Xander from his magazine. Anya, who was the counting money at the cash register jumped and went to protect the money until she realized who it was. Dawn, who was sweeping off her debt, was the only one who didn't jump. She was too busy glaring at her sister.

"God Spike, we really need to get a bell for you. Hey, I can even get you a collar to go with it if you want! Do you want a little name tag too? I'm sure I can find a real cheap already made one at some pet store for you if you would like." Xander said clearly challenging Spike.

"Where were you last night?" Dawn cut in so a fight wouldn't break out, well at least between Xander and Spike, Buffy and Dawn however...

"Oh I was ummmm..." At this point everyone was looking at her, especially Spike who had a big smirk. "I was umm I had a giant fight with this umm real stupid vampire."

"All night long? Is that why your clothes are all torn and dirty?" damn Dawn and her follow up questions.

"Yes all night. It-it was a very aggressive vampire. Actually a bit too aggressive." Buffy said shooting Spike a look.

"Oh really?" Spike said in a bit of a sing-song voice. "I thought you like it a bit more on the aggressive side?"

"I liked this shirt a bit more." she retorted picking up and book and starting to pretend to read it to silence the talk, but not before giving Spike a glare.

"Oh my, if looks could stake." he said in an even more sing-song voice with an even bigger smirk.

"If they could I would have killed you over one hundred times by now." Xander jumped in.

*Ring* *Ring*


"She is alive?" Angel couldn't believe it. Does praying actually work?

"Yeah... Willow, Xander, Tara, and this weird girl Anya brought her back and and..." she just let herself trail off. He wasn't paying attention anyway, he was too busy dialing a phone.

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