Ch. 18 Dawn's Trust

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A\N: I have a not so subtle, subtle reference in here. Let me know if you like it.

Dawn was sitting on the roof outside her room while she cried. How could he? He's like my brother. I thought he loved her. Her head was spinning. She hadn't even noticed Spike stalk into the backyard till he light a cigarette. She tried to hurry and crawl back into her window where it was safe but the roof was too slick and she started slipping. She clawed at the roof while she fell but ended up thumping to the ground instead. 

Next thing she knew she was on the hard ground. Her wrist stung and there was a strong arm holding down her weak ones. There was also a hand covering her mouth so she couldn't scream. OH GOD! He's gonna kill me! Buffy! HELP! she tried to yell but the hand was too strong, she tried to fight the best she could.

"Easy there, little bit." Spike whispered in her ear. "Now, I'm not going to hurt you. Do you understand?" she started to calm down and nodded wide eyed. "Good than. I'm gonna let ya go. Don't scream." he let her go and she crawled away.

"What are you doing here?" she asked while holding her throbbing wrist.

"Watchin. Making sure nothin bad happens to you or Red and her bit." He took a long brag.

"Like what?" she got curious and hopefully bought time, the thump was pretty loud, Buffy would be checking on her soon.

He sighed "Earlier, Buffy and the git came by my crypt. Said they were evil, soulless technically. The git is Angelus and that potion he gave her to drink took Buffy's soul." he never lied to her and saw no reason to start, especially because she might be in danger.

"Oh..." Dawn tried to think. "Well, when Angel first got here, he scared me. You know that thing where you're walking and he sneaks up on you and then when you start running or freaking out he jumps in front of you? Well he did that to me. He has done it like a thousand times before, but when he did it he... he laughed. The only other time I have heard him laugh like that was when he was..." she shuttered at the memory.

"Angelus." Spike finished for her taking another drag.

"Yeah... and ever since then I've had an off feeling about him. And well.... Buffy too. But only since yesterday, before we went to the Bronze. When she made out with Angel." she started to spill everything that she just contributed to being a teen girl.

"That was about when the potion woulda kicked in." Spike flicked his cigarette away.

"And before bed, today after she kicked you out, I hugged her. But she felt cold and and off and..." Dawn felt her throat stick. She couldn't say it, it was too terrible.

"Evil." Spike finished for her again. "Be careful around em. I don't think they will do much to ya yet, but don't go anywhere with em alone. Stay home by yourself tomorrow. Call me when yer alone and I'll come running."

"But we changed the locks." Dawn interrupted.

"I'll knock then. But you better damn well hurry to it. Once I'm in, I'll have a few calls to make."

"Okay." Dawn agreed to the plan.

"I'll give you a boost back up ta the roof." He helped her up, then started to walk away.

"Spike?" Dawn whispered to him from the roof.

"What is it bit?" he started another cigarette.

"Don't make me regret trusting you."

"Wasn't plannin on it, niblet." he smiled.

"Good, because if you do. I'll kill you myself." Spikes smile faded as she went back into her room and closed her window.


"Morning Dawnie. You sure slept in late." Buffy greeted her while Dawn walked into the kitchen.

"Your wrist okay?" Angelus asked from his shadow. Dawn had wrapped it before she went downstairs.

"Yeah, it's fine. I just sprained it falling outta bed. Where is everyone?" Dawn asked.

"Xander should be at work. Anya's at the shop with Willow and Tara. You want some toast?" Buffy asked with a smile.

"Umm, no thanks. What are you guys doing today?" Dawn stood in a ray of light from near the door. Crap, I'm alone with them. Okay. Okay. Get in the sun. Stay near the door. Oh God, I can't out run Buffy... Dawn panicked in her mind.

"I have to go to the doctors. Just a check up. After that I'll go to the shop and train. Why, did you want a sisters day?" Buffy asked with an eager smile. Yeah eager to kill me. Dawn thought.

"No." Dawn said quickly. "My friends are gonna call so we can gossip. After that I might go to River's"

"River... River... I know River, right? I met her parents.... Kaylee and Simon?" Buffy asked as she finished her toast.

"Yeah. Her mom owns a body shop, 'Serenity Car and Automotive Repair' and her dad's a doctor up at Alliance Hospital." Dawn reminded her.

"Sound good. Have fun with her." Buffy put her dish in the sink. "Don't have anyone here, no parties or anything like that. No one comes here." she warned.

"I won't," Dawn smiled uncomfortably. "Angel are you... staying?"

"No. Buffy's taking me up to the mansion. Later I'll go to the shop if she picks me up. Want us to pick you up too?" Angelus smiled.

"Maybe. If not, I'll meet you guys there later." Dawn met his smile. I won't let this creep do this to me in my own home.

"We better get going, appointments soon." She grabbed Angelus' blanket and handed it to him.

"Bye guys." Dawn stayed in her ray of sunlight and waved.

"Bye Dawnie." Buffy hugged her and left.

Dawn stared in her sunny spot till she heard the car start. She ran to the window and watched as they drove away. Once they were out of sight she stayed, staring out the window, to make sure they didn't come back.

Once she was sure she ran to the phone. "Spike?... They're gone... Yeah... Yeah... No we don't have any blood.... or alcohol.... No I'm not going out for some hurry up and get here." she hung up the phone and went to make something to eat while she waited.

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