Ch. 30 The End

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A/N: "I would rather make a show 100 people need to see than a show 1,000 people want to see." ~ Joss Whedon 

Dawn didn't even know Buffy was behind her until she was in her arms being dragged off the grave and by that time it was too late.

"Poor little Dawnie," Buffy hissed in her ear. "All alone." Buffy turned her so she had her small yet powerful hands wrapped around Dawn's upper arms so they were facing each other.

"She ain't alone B." Faith said stepping out from a tree. All the others crawled out of their hiding spots. "She's never alone, and neither are you."

Buffy's grip didn't loosen. "Let me guess, I was betrayed?"

"Seems like it." Angel said as he wrenched Dawn out of Buffy's grip. Once free Dawn ran to Fred who handed her the sword.

"Damn, you guys sure like to do that don't you. What is like one of your hobbies?" Buffy asked everyone.

"What can I say, B. Old habits die hard." Faith answered taking a few steps closer.

"Speaking of dying, kill any good people recently, Faith? I only ask because later I was planning on dusting Angel and wanted to know if you would want to ride the evil train with me?"

"Nah, B. I'm eviled out. I'm on the good repenty side now."

"Too bad. Coulda been fun. Oh well. We gonna keep chatting or are we gonna fight to the death again?"

Faith pulled out the knife that Buffy used to try and kill her with. "Thought you'd never ask B."

Buffy smiled and took a fighting stance when she saw the knife. "Well, this just got interesting."


Though some stroke of luck the plan had worked. Buffy couldn't fight all of them at once and she ended up tied by her wrists and ankles to some nearby trees. As usual, Willow was right about the grave and the forest helping.

During the fight, Fred of all people, managed to knock out Buffy giving them a somewhat quiet time to get ready for the spell.

"Okay, so we need Buffy awake." Willow said.

"What? Don't you remember how hard it was to knock her out? Fred broke her bat on her head!" Gunn said confused.

"Well, yeah. But she needs to drink the potion while I do the spell. Otherwise it won't work." Willow clarified.

"So who's gonna feed Psycho?" Lorne asked.

"I can." Everyone looked at Spike. "I used to have to do it with Dru. This quack said that a series of potions would make her better, so we tried them. Problem was Dru didn't like the way they tasted, something about a fox stealing her teeth. Anyway she took all of them, I just had to wrestle them in her."

"Alright then," Wes said giving Spike a strange glance. "While Spike shall be doing that the rest of us will help restrain Buffy."

"And by that he means Faith and Angel will help with the restarting while the rest of us watch from a safe distance." Anya said with a smile. Everyone nodded agreement to her.

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