Ch. 5 Underwear and Handcuffs

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"Ok, so you're sure you have everything; pants, shirts, socks..." Fred asked starting a list of things Angel needed. 

"Axes, knifes, stakes?" Gunn said going on a list somewhat different from Fred's.

"Basic spells to see if it really is Buffy?" Wes said making another list.

"Underwear? Last time you forgot them and we had to send you some." Fred said finishing everyone's lists.

"Dear God. I have; three pants, two shirts, four pairs of socks, one axe, five knives, ten stakes, the spell you gave me and yes five pairs of underwear. I'm just going to be gone a week at most." Angel said not understanding everyone's care.

"It's just, you just got back and now you're leaving again and we don't know for how long," Fred said finally voicing what everyone was saying.

"One week. At most." Angel said taking Fred into a hug. Ever since they rescued Fred from Plyea she had become like his sister. Unlike his other sister, he wasn't going to let anything happen to Fred.

"I promise. One week and I'll be back before you know it. You have the Summers' address and the numbers to the house and the Magic Box. You can call anytime you need." Angel gave her one last squeeze and let her go.

They were all in the lobby saying their goodbyes. Well, not all. Cordelia stood at the top of the stairs out of everyone's view. She leaned against the wall on the top stair holding herself while her tears fell down her cheeks.

"Ok. I better get going. Bye Fred, Wes, Lorne, Gunn..." Angel said his farewells while giving everyone a hug. "I guess Cordelia won't be coming down." He looked up at the banister thinking he caught a glimpse of her.

"Well, she may just be tired. I can go get her if you want." Fred tried to make her way to the stairs.

"No. It's fine. Let her sleep. Besides, I should get going while I have the moonlight." He said while he moved to the door with two bags in hand. One held all his clothes the other held all his weapons.

He took a last look at everyone and started to his car down the street. The people in L.A had a hard time parking like normal people do.


"Honey, I'm home." Buffy joked as she walked into Spike's crypt. He wasn't on the upper level so she checked down stairs.

"Spike, honey are you here?" She said as she walked down the ladder. Nope. I guess not. Maybe I will see him patrolling. a smile crept on her face as she left. And maybe when I find him he and I can live out that fantasy from earlier.

She kept patrolling being sure to keep an eye out for Spike. Well, I might as well go check out that nest.

She strolled over to the crypt where they were set up. She was about to cross the hedge when she heard fighting. She peaked through to see who or what it was.

She cut through when she saw Spike taking on the entire nest. She saw that he was busy, so much so that he hadn't even noticed her. She just smirked and sat on top of a gravestone to get a better look at her honey while he fought with the nest.

One vampire noticed Buffy on her perch and went over looking for a fight. "Ah ah. I'm a slayer. You would live longer sticking with fighting him." She motioned her head over to Spike and the fledgling complied. "Not that long, though."

The fight started with Spike fighting ten vamps and ended with only him and ten little piles of dust.

"Feel better?" Buffy asked once he came down and his game face relaxed.

"Bloody hell!" Spike yelled just noticing Buffy. "A little but yeah."

"And you took out an entire nest by yourself why?" She said jumping off her spot and taking Spikes hand as they walked together.

"Board waiting for you." He said as his first flimsy excuse. "Wanted to take some of the slayin burden off ya." She gave him one of her looks. "Fine. Xander pissed me off earlier and with Big, Bad and Broody coming round I just wanted to hit somethin."

"Yeah. Xander told me."

"Xander is a bleedin fool." Spike said getting angry again.

"Sometimes yeah, but you know what?" She stopped and held him close. "I love you, not Angel, you. He probably just wants to check up on me, he always was protective. But ya know what? Let him, because you have two things he never will."

"And what would those be luv?" Spike said getting a little amorous.

"Me and..." she smiled raising up one hand with a pair of handcuffs hanging from one finger. "...these handcuffs I stole from a cop while he was preoccupied with coffee."

They smiled at eachother for a moment then took off towards Spike's crypt.

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