Ch. 14 A Soulless Slayer

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"Angel Investigations, Winifred speaking. How many horns does it have and what coloring?"

"Hey Fred. It's me." Angels voice came through. 

"Hi, Angel! How's it going in Sunnydale? Did you do the spell, is it really Buffy? Did you pack enough underwear. And what number are you calling from? It isn't one of the ones you left for us." Fred fired off questions.

"Oh its going great here. Yeah, I did the spell, Buffy is perfect. My friend Jonathan lend me this phone to call you." Angel answered all but one question.

"Oh. And your underwear?" Fred persisted.

"Yes, Fred. They're fine." Angel huffed.

"Well, that sounds great. Are you coming home then? Wes and Gunn are doing what they can but we still need you." Fred pleaded.

"Soon, not quite yet, though. I've got a few loose ends to tie up. Is Wolfram and Hart giving you guys a hard time?" Angel asked calmly, he already knew the answer.

"No. Its actually been really quiet. Only one or two cases a week. How soon will you be back?" Fred almost whined.

"Two, maybe three more day. Four tops. Don't worry, it will just fly by. I have to go now. Be sure to update the others. Bye." Angel said smoothly.

"Bye Angel. Be safe." Fred sighed.


"We spent the day napping and eating." Buffy sighed rolling over on her side.

"Don't forget the screwing, luv." Spike spooned her.

"How could I?" Buffy smiled.

"I should probably go to the Magic Box then go on patrol with Angel. You have the night off of Buffy Duty." She sat up and got dressed.

"Oh, do you really have to go out with that idiot?" Spike asked angrily.

"Yes. And you aren't going with or stalking us. The sooner I talk with him alone the sooner he will leave." Buffy ordered.

"Stalk you?" Spike asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know. When you follow me around in the shadows and you think I don't know you're there but I do? I can sense you and if you do I swear to god you'll be having sex with yourself for a month." Buffy threatened Spike. All he did was raise his eyebrow higher.

"Fine, a week." Buffy rolled her eyes.

"But you're just so much fun to stalk, luv." Spike winked.

"I'll stake you."Buffy grabbed her bag and kissed him goodbye. "I'll stop in after slayage."

"Bye pet. Have fun with the poof." Spike said laying back in bed.

"Trust me. I won't." Buffy called as she left.


Buffy rounded out of the cemetery when she ran into something hard and cold. "Angel." she sighed taking a step back.

"Sorry. I meant to run into you but not literally." Angel laughed.

"It's fine. God, what was in that potion you gave me? I've had a heartburn all day and I've been a major bitch."

"I've noticed. Walk and talk?" They started patrolling. After a few blocks Angel broke the ice.

"So, how have things been?" Angle glanced at his watch, 12:40 pm.

"Fine. Giles left a bit after I got back. Anya and Xander are engaged. Willow and Tara moved in. Dawn stopped stealing. Spike has been a big help, even watched Dawn for me when I was dead." Buffy finished. 12:42 pm.

"Why'd Giles leave?" Angel asked for more time.

"He wanted me to grow up. Oh, and upside the council is paying my bills now. All of them." Buffy smiled, she threatened a lot of people for that to happen, 12:43 pm.

"And Xander finally got a girl?" He laughed.

"Yeah, Anya. It's just what you think, she was a vengeance demon. Not now thought." Buffy laughed. "Willow and Tara moved in when I died to look after Dawn. She started stealing when I go back, but she isn't anymore." 12:45 pm.

"And Spike has been helpful? I have trouble believing that." Angel grimaced.

"Yeah. Before I died I told him to look after Dawn. He did. I think he would have died for her, well I know he would. He almost did. He has been really good." Buffy smiles thinking of Spike, 12:47 pm. Buffy stumbled.

"Buffy, you okay?" Angel asked smiling.

"Yeah, fine." She fell down. "Angle what does that potion do?"

Angel caught her fall and held her tight. "Well, let me tell you a story. Before Angel left L.A he was taken by my friend, Lilah, from Wolfram and Hart. She knocked him out and did a spell, than visions of you danced naked in his head, Next thing I know I'm waking up." Angelus grinned.

"No." Buffy gasped unable to move.

"Yes. Than she gave me that potion you took, oh so willingly, to take your soul." her eyes got wider. "Don't worry, you won't be a vampire. Just a soulless slayer. And my girl."

12:49 pm. Buffy grabbed her chest and cried out in pain. It felt like it was on fire and like something important was being brutally ripped from it. "Spike," she whispered before all she saw was black.


"Where the hell is Buffy?" Dawn asked. Everyone was at the shop.

"She probably just spent the day out on the town," Willow said equally worried.

"Yeah, she was pretty 'Grrr Argh' this morning," Tara said.

"Well, she said she would be here by now," Dawn whined.

"Give her time Dawnie," Xander said. "She may have run into Angel. She is probably out patrolling."

"Yeah." Anya helped. "She'll barge in in no time and not help with the store like she said she would today."


"Angelus." Buffy purred wrapping her arm around his neck.

He swung her around in circles. "You ready to have some fun?" she nodded and kissed him.

"Well, I was thinking we could torment your friends but we can do that too." He smiled kissing her back.

"Ooh no. Let's torment. We can keep pretending to be all good and soul having then take them out one by one. Thier faces will be so perfect when we kill them, all that confusion." she licked her lips. "We'll mess with them for a day or so then start. We can see just how much we can get away with, maybe tell them we're dating again. Oh and Spike, god just so much fun have." she laughed an evil laugh.

He laughed with her "God I love that excitement. Let's start with pushing your friend's limits. I think I saw some of them on their way to the magic shop. Shall we?" He held out his arm for her.

"Lets." She smiled and took it. Away they went.

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