Ch. 12 Think Before You Drink

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Buffy walked into her house slowly. "Willow? Tara? Dawn? Anyone?" There was no answer. She sighed. "No ones here. Come on in. Turn on Passions and I'll make some popcorn."

"You sure luv?" Spike walked in slowly. 

"Yeah. Dawns probably gonna have a sleep over. Xander won't be back for a while. And Will and Tara will sneak in later and go to their bedroom." Buffy started her popcorn.

"If you insist." Spike sat on the couch and turned on the Passions marathon. Buffy slid in next to him with her popcorn bowl filled up.

"So, who's she?" Buffy started eating.

"Thresia. Shhh." Spike put his arm around her.

"Who's he?" Buffy sank into Spike with her bowl in her lap.

"Are you gonna ask questions the whole bloody time?"

"Probably. What about her?" Buffy pointed to a blonde on the TV.

"Will you shut your mouth?" At that Buffy sat up.

"Are you gonna make me or are we going to watch Passions?"

"Ta hell with Passions." Spike jumped on Buffy.


"Losing your touch, though. Should have sensed me or at least looked up." Angel said as he hugged Willow.

"Where's Buffy?" Dawn asked still feeling uneasy.

"No one has seen her since her and Xander got in a fight." Anya was still flipping through her book.

"Purely verbal, if it was physical, I would be dead right now. Hi, Angel." Xander shook his dead hand and sat back down.

"A fight? About what?" Dawn asked worried.

Everyone looked to Tara to see if they could tell the story. When she nodded Xander and Willow told the tale.

"Why didn't she tell us?" Dawn asked with tears in her eyes.

"She was afraid." Angel was quite till then. "She was worried what you would think."

"That she came back wrong." Everyone looked at Anya. " Well, that's what she said right? That's what we're researching?"

"I should really see Buffy. Do you know where she is?" Angel asked the crowd.

"Try calling home," Willow suggested. "If that fails go on patrol."

"Angel moved to the phone. "Thanks, Will."


Buffy was pinned between a rock and a hard place. The rock was the couch and the hard place was Spike on top of her. She had her legs wrapped around him, they were just a few minutes from having to go up stairs.

They managed to make out for a whole episode of Passions before the phone rang. She wanted to ignore it and go upstairs with Spike, but it could be Dawn calling, she could be in trouble.

"Spike, honey get off of me." Spike kept her pinned and moved his lips attentions to her neck.

"Hello, Summers resident. Buffy speaking." She said through pants. She had her free hand tangled in Spike's hair.

"Buffy." the phone said.



"Where are you?" Buffy asked trying to sit up but Spike wouldn't let her.

"Funny, I actually called to ask you that. I'm at the Magic Shop."

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