Ch. 21 I'll Stop Them

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"So Wolfram and whatever's evil?" Faith asked from her seat in the back. 

"Yes." Fred said with a smile. She had volunteered to fill Faith in on everything over the ride.

"And Lilah did some hoodoo voodoo to take Angel's soul?"


"She didn't do it the fun way?"

"No." Fred blushed.

"Damn. So Lilah gave him some potion to take B's soul, and now the two of em and running around Sunnydale raising hell?"

"Yeah. But no hell raising yet."

"Not so." Cordelia yelled from the front. She was sandwiched between Gunn, who was driving, and Wes, who refused to sit with Faith. That left the back with plenty of room for Fred, Faith, and the weapons bags.

"I did some digging before we left. There has been a surge of murders since Angel got there." She flipped through her magazine. "One of them was Dr. Jonathan Stach. He was my doctor when I lived out there. Real shame, he had five kids last I checked."

"Jonathan?" Fred sat up and shuttered at a thought. "When Angle called from that cell he said his friend Jonathan let him borrow it."

"Dr. Stach's phone was missing, it could have been his." She stopped reading and looked up. Everyone was silent for a minute.

"So, Angelus really is back, and with an evil Buffy. Shit, what if they both killed that guy..." Faith thought out loud as they drove closer to Sunnydale.

"We'll stop them. Come hell or high water," Faith stared out the window. "I'll stop them."

For the most part the rest of the ride was silent. Fred filled Faith in on a few more things than tried to start some car games that Gunn and Faith shot down. Wes would spurt out some random trivia about demons or what they passed. Finally, after about an hour, Gunn got tired of the silence and turned on the radio. For the rest of the ride that was all they heard other than Cordelia's occasional directions.


"Remind me why we have to stay at Spikes again?" Gunn grunted. He and Wes were carrying not only their bags but Cordelia's and Freds too. The two girls only carried one of their bags. Faith, however, was carrying all ten of the heavy weapons bags including her own small bag of personal items. She acted as though it was nothing at all while Wes and Gunn were panting and glistening.

"Because: he offered, we will be closer to the source of what is happening, and it's free." Cordelia snapped. "Okay. It should be that one. Faith, you go first."

"With pleasure." Faith smirked and kept walking while she took out a knife and shifted the bags. She knew he couldn't hurt her, but on the off chance Cordy was wrong that could be a nest she was going to walk in on. Do I wanna go all ninja and sneak up on him or do I wanna barge in like I own the place? She took a moment to think it over before kicking in the door. Barge in like I own the damn place.

"Well, well. Looks like the bitch is back in town." Spike glared at from his chair. "Wheres the rest of ya?"

"Wheres B and Angelus?" Faith asked taking a quick scan of the place.

"Not here. They don't come here unless they wanna piss me off."

"Cool. We good guys, come on in." Faith called out to the group as she started to taking off some of the bags. The others came rolling into the crypt. "I figure we keep a few weapons up here, on that coffin in the corner, and the rest where ever we sleep."

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