Ch. 7 The More Fun You Have...

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Buffy sighed into her coffee. She managed to pull Spike off of her and make it home before anyone woke up. Not by much, however. Dawn was in the bathroom and Willow and Tara were coming down the stairs. 

"Hi Buffy, want some pancakes?" Tara asked as she got out the pancake supplies.

"Of course Tara. Why would I pass up the chance to get some of the best pancakes ever?" At Buffy's compliment, Tara smiled.

"Hey, guys. Ooh pancakes." Dawn said as she bounced into the kitchen.

"Yeah, you want yours in fun shapes?" Tara asked while mixing the ingredients.

"Of course." Dawn started to pour her orange juice but stopped when she saw Buffy's wrists. "OH my God Buffy your wrists. What happened to you last night." Dawn got the kitchen's first aid kit and started to clean and bandage while her sister explained.

"What? Oh yeah, those." Buffy smiled to herself remembering how she got them. "This vampire chained me up for a bit. But don't worry I chained him up and..." She looked up and stopped smiling when she saw everyone's face. "And I killed him."

*ring* *ring*

"I'll get it." Dawn pranced over to the kitchen phone while Buffy inspected the bandages that Dawn put on her. "Hello?... Hey, Angel... Yeah here she is." she handed the phone to her sister.

"Hi, Angel," Buffy said getting agitated.

"Buffy Hi. Listen I'm afraid I got a bit tied up here. I'll be there in a day maybe two." he said in a calm voice.

"You know you don't have to come out here. Its, me, the real me." Buffy said hoping that he would agree.

"I do have to come out. Make sure my girl is safe." Buffy could hear his smile on the other end.

"Angel... I'm not your..."

"Of Course. I have to go, duty calls. I'll see you soon." and with that, he hung up.

"Ugh... Angels still coming out." Buffy said while hanging up her end of the call. "Yay pancakes are done."


"Now remember. Make sure she drinks the potion. Then after 24 hours she'll lose her soul completely. At first, she will just seem bitchy and off... then she will be just like you with a pulse." Lilah said making sure Angelus wouldn't ruin her plan.

"Great. I have all the things I need for a fun time." Angelus held the glowing purple potion and smiled at it.

"And remember, they aren't to know that you aren't Angel so play nice and don't let them know who you really are." she add with a smile.

"Wasn't planning on it. More fun this way. Can I go see my girl now?" Angelus moved for the car.

"Of Course. And Angelus?" Lilah again flexed her power over him and he hated it.

"WHAT?" He snapped going into game face mode.

Lilah kept her calm. "The more fun you have, the more fun the Senior Partners have. Just remember the contract." and with that Angelus left in the car.

'Now time to go get my girl.' Angelus thought. 'And this time, she WILL be my girl.'

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