Ch. 28 Please Don't

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A/N- Oh my God, its coming to an end. Two chapters left guys, idk how I'm gonna deal with not updating and getting nice comments :'( oh well, I hope you guys love it, this is the anticipation part, should I wait till Wednesday to post the last part or do you guys want it this weekend? Comment on what ya want. Also shout out to Bryant Miller 1, new reader, thanks for all the comments and votes! 

Buffy came yawning out of the bathroom. "So, when can we go kill?"

"Not for another day, or two." Angel replied not looking up from his book.

"Why the hell not?" Buffy asked angrily.

"Because, you're still hungover from that spell and if I go into fight with them I need you on your A game or they will kill us both." He hissed at her.

"I'm fine. I can take care of myself." she said through gritted teeth with her arms crossed.

"Oh, really?" He threw the book at her. Buffy went to block it but she was still too droozy. It ended up hitting her eyebrow.

"Son of a bitch." She grabbed her head. "What the damn hell was that for?"

"To prove the spell still has you slow." He stood up and went to pick up his book. He stood in front of her with an evil smile. "So go sleep it off. In a day or two, we'll kill em all."

"Fine." She sighed and went back into the bedroom muttering curses under her breath as she went.


"Go apologize to her." Fred whispered at Gunn.

"Why should I?" He asked.

"Because; we are guests in her house, we will be fighting by her side, her sister is trying to kill her, and YOU said we should kill her sister." Fred whispered back. Her tone sounded like she was yelling.

"But I..."

"Go. Now." She ended the argument by picking up a book.

"Fine." Gunn sighed and went into the kitchen to find Dawn. "Hey Dawn." She remained silent while she cooked dinner.

"Dawn, look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. It wasn't cool for me to have said what I did."

"You're a jackass." She said cutting up a tomato.

"Agreed." Gunn sighed. "Want some help making dinner?"

"Willow and Tara are helping me."

"I don't see em." He said looking around.

"They went to get get the chicken. But that's in the sink so they are probably making out." She finished the tomato. "You can do the onion."

"Alright then." Gunn took a knife and started to cut the onions for the burritos.


"Alright, did everyone get enough to eat?" Wes said asked after dinner. When everyone answered with a choir of "yeahs " he continued, "Very good. Be sure to get a good night's sleep. Faith?"

"What?" She looked up from the kitchen knife she was playing with.

"Has Giles called with a spell to help try and get her soul back?" He inquired.

"Nah, not yet. We'll call em before bed. Red, you willing to do it?" Faith answered.

"Of Course. Maybe I'll get to hear him clean his glasses again." Willow said smiling.

"Excellent. Now, Willow, Tara, in the case that Giles cannot get a spell will you be able to make an antidote?" Wes asked going through his list.

"We've been working on it. We actually planned to ask Giles if he could help us with it." Tara answered.

"Excellent." Wes sighed. "Is there anything else we need to talk about?"

"I pray there isn't." Cordelia groaned.

"Cool. Everyone can chill tonight. Get read for the next tough few days. Do what ya gotta. Go for a walk, go patrolling, just remember the buddy system." Faith got up to leave while everyone started talking amongst themselves trying to make plans for the night.

"Umm. Faith?" Dawn had followed her.

"What?" Faith asked tired of people talking to her. Ever since she got to Sunnydale, hell outta jail, she was in charge and had people looking up to her and asking what to do.

"There's something in Buffy's room that I think she would want you to have, and that you would want." Dawn said shyly.

"Alright. Lets go." She sighed.


They were alone in Buffy's room. Dawn was rummaging under her bed looking for the box where she kept it.

"She washed it off, of course. She even polished it and sharpened it for you. I asked her why she even kept it. She said that she didn't know but figured you one day would... deserve it." Dawn sat the box on the bed and carefully pulled out the knife that the mayor had given Faith. The one that Buffy had used to stab her. Faith took a step back when Dawn tired to hand it to her.

"Sorry. I'll just leave it here. I'm gonna go see if anyone wants to go for a walk." Dawn put the knife on the bed and went to the door. "Faith?"

"Yeah." She answered shakily.

"I know you'll do the right thing, just please don't kill my sister." Dawn pleaded.

"Not planning on it."

"Good." Dawn left Faith to stare at the knife.

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