Ch. 13 Yay Glitter

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"Okay, Tara is going to say the magic words than I'm gonna blow this dust in your face."

"Sound good," Buffy said ready for it. 

"Acalus voto ardeo, Bonum voto candidus, Probo sed vultis obscurus." As Tara finished the spell Willow blew the dust in Buffy's face, as it hit her it turned to glitter.

"Ugh, that'll be impossible to get rid of," Buffy said gagging on the glitter.

"Oh thank God it was glitter." Willow breathed out.

"Wait, why 'oh thank god'?" Buffy asked suddenly alarmed.

"Well, if you were evil, it would have turned to fire and burnt off you face," Willow explained while she and Tara cleaned up.

"What?" Buffy's eyes widened.

"Yay glitter..." Dawn cheered to herself.


"It's late, we should be getting home. Let's go Dawn. Willow, Tara, you guys coming too?" Buffy said getting up.

"Sounds good," Tara answered.

"Well, maybe I can walk you guys home?" Angel tried.

"Please; a slayer, two powerful witches, and a teen who isn't afraid to pull hair? I think we will be fine." Buffy said as she led the group of four to the door.

"Mind if I tag along, pet?" Spike said adding himself to the group by the door.

"Sure Spike." Buffy sighed.

"Hey, why does he get to go?" Angel asked offended.

"Because he isn't coming to try and protect us, he's coming out of loneliness and boredom. Aren't you Spike?" Buffy asked.

"Sure am, luv." Spike grinned.

Everyone said their goodbyes. "See ya Captain Forehead," Spike said bidding Angel a farewell.

"Buffy wait," Angel grabbed her wrist stopping her from leaving the shop. "Tomorrow, patrol, you and me?"

"Sure, fine. Just you and I." he let go and the group of five started home.


"Okay Dawn, go upstairs and go to bed," Buffy ordered as they stepped into the house.

"Fine. Night." Dawn went to go get ready for bed.

"We're going to bed too. Night Buffy." Willow and Tara walked upstairs.

"Are you really gonna patrol with that idiot?" Spike asked from the doorway.

"God, Spike. I thought you left. Yes, I'm going" Buffy whispered so not to bother anyone. "Alone."

"I don't like it."

"You don't have too."

"Right well, I'll be goin, let you get some sleep. Seems that bitch potion working already. Bye luv." Spike said leaving.

"Bye." Buffy whispered as she closed the door. She turned to go up to bed.

"Are you two together?" Dawn asked standing on the stairs in her pajamas with her arms crossed.

"Dear God. Not you two Dawn."

"You don't have to tell me now if you're afraid too. I just wanted to say, if you are or will, I don't mind. I like Spike, he's like a big brother. Besides, I like him more than Angel. So it'll be no big deal. I just want you to be happy again." and with that Dawn turned and went upstairs to bed, leaving a stunned Buffy at the bottom steps.


Buffy was the last into the kitchen the next morning.

"Morning Buff." Willow poured her glass of orange juice. Buffy grunted in return.

"Do you want some pancakes?" Tara asked as she made Dawns.

"No," Buffy replied.

"Buffy? About yesterday. Its fine you trust Spike, so do we. We were just confused why you didn't tell us." Willow apologised.

"I don't need your permission to trust him. And I didn't tell you because it doesn't involve you. It's just me and other demons he can hurt." Buffy snapped.

"Well, yeah. But what if he hurt you?"

"He wouldn't hurt me unless I wanted him to or let him. And he loves me, remember?" Buffy's voice was cold.

"Yeah, but he chained you up that one time. Remember, he was gonna kill Drusilla for you?" Willow said letting herself get off topic.

"Well then I guess I only need to worry if he finds someone new to love. And for some reason, I don't think that will happen anytime soon. Anything else?" everyone stared at her.

"W-well we are starting research on if you came back wrong or it's possible." Tara offered.

"Isn't that what the spell and potion are for?" Buffy sighed.

"Well... yeah... we just want to be sure."

"Okay then. You guys need me today?" everyone shook their heads. "Okay, I'm out. See you at the magic shop around patrol to see what the potion does." Buffy left.

"Well, Angel wasn't lying about the crankiness was he?" Dawn said while she started her pancakes.


Buffy crept downstairs to where Spike was sleeping and crawled in bed with him.

"Slayer..." Spike purred as he rolled over to hold her.

"I've been cranky all day and I have heartburn." Buffy sighed letting him hold her tighter.

"Well, I can help with the cranky. Do you remember where we put the cuffs?" Spike looked around.

"Third drawer of your dresser, next to your socks. It's all Angel's fault and that stupid potion." Buffy pouted. "Upside, I'm free all day till I go patrolling with him."

"Than I think you and I have got a full day ahead us." Spike started kissing her.

"I'll get the handcuffs." Buffy jumped out of the bed and went to Spikes sock drawer.


Dr. Jonathan Stach, husband, and loving father of five was found dead. He had been walking home from the store, his wife had sent him to get chocolate milk for the kids when a young gentleman had approached him. The man asked for directions and hadn't seemed dangerous, so Dr. Stach walked to an intersection to show him where to go.

That intersections was where his body was found. He had a neck wound, presumably from dogs. His personal effects were intact, he had his wallet with pictures of his wife and children, his keys were there and so was the chocolate milk. The only thing that was missing was his phone.

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