Ch. 27 Pysco-Souless-Slayer

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"Buffy," she rolled over onto her back. She was laying out in the garden where Buffy and Faith had wrestled. "Buffy wake up." 

"What the hell happened?" Buffy mumbled as she propped herself up.

"Faith had the Wicca Bitches knocked you out with a sleep spell. I broke Xander's arm, gave Dawn a concussion and really took Faith down a few pegs." Angel smirked while he warmed his dead hands on a coffee mug. "Of course, everyone got damaged, those were just my favorite."

"Why didn't you get me earlier?" Buffy squinted in the sun as she got up.

"By the time the fight was over and I healed myself enough to stand, you were already bathing in the sunrise." He handed her a coffee and she started drinking it greedily.

"So it was all a not so clever plan." Buffy hobbled over to the couch. "I should have let you stake Spike."

"Seems like it." Angel stood by the door.

"Did they do anything to you?" Buffy asked wanting to make sure that her partner in crime was still in the mood for crime and not brooding.

"No. They tried, though, that's when I broke Xander's arm." Angel forced a grin.

"I don't care what you say, the minute I'm awake I'm going and killing at least half of them. I plan on making them watch each other be killed and tortured. You in or what?" Buffy asked taking another sip of coffee while she mentally prepared her argument for when he said no.

"I think so." Angel said keeping the smile on.

"Really?" She looked up surprised.

"Yeah. They pissed me off now." he walked over to her and sat down.

"You positive they didn't do anything to you? You look different." Buffy eyed him speedily.

"Positive," Angel smiled. "Now lets play."


"So, Angel leads Buffy here then what?" Fred asked worriedly. Dawn, Willow, Tara and Fred all sat on the couch. Faith was sitting in one chair with Wes in the other. Everyone else was leaning up against a wall.

"Get all our assess killed trying to stop a psycho-soulless-slayer." Gunn answered.

"We could try and weaken her. Like when she turned eighteen and Giles drugged her for that big showdown with the mental vampire and then Giles got fired from the council." Willow sat up a little straighter with her idea.

"What drug he use?" Faith asked. She was mentally going through all the street drugs she had come across.

"I don't remember. I can call and ask." Willow sat still waiting to know if it was a good idea.

"Good. Go. Call. What else could we do?" Faith started to tap her foot.

"We can beat her fists with our faces." Gunn said joking.

"Well thats been my plan this whole time." Lorne smiled thinking that a joke was needed.

"You know if you keep joking like that we all will end up dead." Dawn snapped.

"No, my jokes aren't gonna be what kills you, your sister is." Gunn snapped back.

"Oh yeah? Because if it wasn't for you boss she wouldn't have lost her soul." Dawn stood up and Gunn pushed away from the wall. Everyone else watched the encounter. Spike made a move to go stop them but Faith shook her head, forbidding anyone from stopping the fighting.

"He didn't force her to drink that thing did her? Who drinks something that someone gives them and tells them to drink without knowing what it is? It could have killed her and she just downed it like it was cough syrup."

"She trusted him! What was she supposed to do? Have it drug tested?" Dawn yelled.

"Faith?" Willow called from the kitchen. "Giles wants to talk to you."

"Thank God." Faith grunted. She got up and ran into the kitchen while Dawn and Gunn's yelling got louder and more heated.


"Okay... I will... Don't worry... You too." Willow handed the phone to Faith.

"Dawn's about ready to beat the crap outta Gunn. Go stop her." Faith motioned into the living room before she went to talk on the phone. "Hey G-Man... Whoa Whoa calm down..."


Willow walked back into the room to see Dawn and Gunn standing in the center of it and yelling at eachother. Everyone else had sank into their seats or pushed themselves into the wall.

"You are such a jacka-" Dawn got cut off by Willow.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! What the hell is going on in here?" Willow yelled getting everyone's attention.

"He says we should kill Buffy!" Dawn screeched pointing a finger at Gunn.

"No I didn't. I just said we should look at all options."

"Silence." She said glaring at Gunn. She turned to Dawn. "We aren't going to kill Buffy."

"Then what the hell are we gonna do?" Gunn asked exasperated.

"Drug her off her ass then tie her up some where while Giles talks to some coven or what ever to get a spell to fix B." Faith said while she leaned on the doorway from the kitchen.

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