Ch. 29 Big Bad Buffy

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"Well I for one think that a walk sound like a nice break." Fred offered.

"I could walk." Dawn smiled from the stairs.

"We could all go." Cordelia asked desperately wanting to get out of the house. She hated the style and felt trapped. It was a cramped house with Xander and her not so good past in it.

"I say we patrol." Spike said.

"Can't we just walk?" Cordelia asked exasperated.

"Oh, don't worry, that's all I do. The superpowers stay close by so we're safe." Dawn explained.

"Then I'm in." Cordy answered.

"Tara and I can go for a bit. But we really need to call Giles." Willow said disappointed that she couldn't stay out longer.

"Hell, even I'm in for a good get out of the house jaunt around the cemeteries." Lorne smiled.

"Great, then we'll all go." Anya smiled. "Xander go get Faith."

"Fine." Xander groaned.

"Don't have rough sex with her again or I will kill you."


Faith looked at the knife while her mind flashed back to the many times she had seen it. Slowly, she walked over to the bed and sat down. Gingerly she picked up the knife.

Why did she keep it? Does she believe in me more than... well at all? She thought as she grabbed the knife tighter. The memories kept playing over and over.

"I'm not lettin you down B." Faith said. "Not again."

"Faith?" Xander poked his head through the door. "We-uh- we are all going out. Most of us are going to walk around the cemeteries, a few other want to patrol them. You in?" There was a long silence.

"Yeah. I'm in." She tucked the knife in her back. "Let's patrol."


Faith was sitting in the kitchen by herself. It wasn't early but not late either, it was only 7:30am. Well, that might not be late for a normal person but for a slayer it was almost like sleeping till 10am. The others were starting to wake up too. Soon the peaceful kitchen in the peaceful morning would be over run with the harsh of reality.

Everyone had been eager to get out of house. Willow and Tara went home early to call Giles. An hour and a half later the rest went home leaving Spike and Faith left to patrol. After about an hour later they went home too.

They weren't surprised to find Willow and Tara passed out in the living room with books and paper with weird scribbles on them. She also saw the phone next to them which Faith hoped meant that they had talked to Giles. Everyone else was passed out in their rooms.

And just like that the kitchen began to be flooded with people. They said their pleasantries but Faith managed to ignore them while she stared out the window getting ready to be the boss again.


"Faith? Faith!" Willow took the risk to tap her on her shoulder. Faith immediately jumped into attention.

"What?" she asked with a mix of defensiveness and anger that she had been woken up from her break.

"Didn't you hear them?" Fred asked with a smile.

"Nah, musta zoned out. Sorry." Faith leaned against the island.

"They did it!" Dawn smiled jumping up and down. They fear of once again losing her sister was gone.

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