Ch. 6 Damnit Lilah

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The night had a chill in it. Angel walked down the back alley waiting till he was close enough to his car to get in it and go to Sunnydale, and to Buffy. Finally, he was getting close to his when he heard a bloodcurdling scream. 

"Damn. I really don't have time for this!" He cursed as he ran towards the sound.

He finally got to the alley the scream came from and went to the girl who laid in a heap once he threw down his bags.

"Miss? Miss, are you alright?" Angel said as he kneeled down beside her.

"Couldn't be better." She said turning around.

"Lilah?" After that Angle was taken. His head covered and knocked unconscious. Two men carried him away while Lilah grabbed his bags and led them to her car.


"Feel better, luv?" Spike asked while he sat up under the rugs.

"Much. We missed the bed again. Damn good thing you have a comfy carpets." Buffy groanded while she too sat up. "Hssss" she breathed in sharply when she looked at her wrists. They had shallow cuts and bruises that were already starting to form.

"Let me have a look eh?" She let him take her hands in his. "Hmmm looks like we finally went a bit to hard. Well, always finding our limits together I guess." When he was done examining her he kissed each wrist then let them fall.

"Mm feels better already." She purred while she sat on his lap. "Do you remember when Willow did that spell that went wrong and we got engaged? We spent most of that day sitting in Giles' place with me in your lap just like this." She put an arm around his neck.

"Ha. Yeah. Only than we had clothes on." He pulled her close and kissed her neck. "So, are you positive I can't beat the soul out of Angel than stake Angelus?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Now can we do something other than talk?" She started to nibble on his earlobe.

"It's just... He's such a tit." Spike said while grabbing her thigh and pulling her legs apart, but she snapped them shut and stared into his eyes with a straight face.

"Oh my God. Will you stop? I love you - as you can plainly see right now - and that's not going to change. Trust me, if I go back to Angel its because I'm under some spell or I became evil."

"Okay... Okay. I'll let it go. I promise. It's just I love you so damn much and I hate Angel so damn much." Spike muttered into Buffy's chest as he hugged her.

"Compared to how much I love you... I hate Angel too." She said as she raised his head up to hers. "Now, from the cuts and bruises on my wrist, I think it's your turn to wear the handcuffs." And with that, they tried again to get to the bed.


Lilah's office was dark except for the fire that the spell casters had going. The air smelt of death, sadness and rose petals. Lilah still had her smelly good candle burning. Angle, though still unconscious, moved and mumbled.

"Can we get this show on the road please? We still have things to do with him." Lilah was growing impatient. They took him only an hour after sundown and it was now only an hour till sunup. The long night the demon spell casters had spent preparing.

"Let us begin." the head spell caster said to the others while giving Lilah a deadly look.

"A la sim a toi et ma sir ta et tu soit nous avons sortons et manger le pomme de terre." They began to chant and throw herbs on Angel as he began to writhe and grown in pain. "The deed is done."

"Really? He doesn't have his soul anymore?" Lilah was skeptical, that was too quick to work.

"Yes, that tends to be what 'the deed is done' means. His soul is now in the Orb of Thesulah on your desk" the head demon said as the others quickly cleaned up.

"You mean my paper weight?"

The demon rolled his black eyes and sighed. "Yes, your paper weight."

"Perfect." she said as they made their way to the door. "Hey wait a minute. You never told me what the words to take and give his soul back are."

"Abra Kadabra." the master said with an emotionless face.

"Abra Kadabra? You're kidding me right?"

"No. Sometimes the classics work. Abra Kadabra will give and take the soul away from the vampire." They left without another word. Once the door closed Angel cried out in pain just as he had those many years ago after his night with Buffy.

"Good morning Angelus. I am Lilah and you are at Wolfram and Hart. We took that pesky little soul out of you. Now that you are caught up let's make a deal shall we?"

Angelus stood up on his shaky legs, he looked menacing none the less. "And what would that be?" it came out of his throat as more of a growl than real words.

"You use this special little potion we had cooked up to take away the slayer's soul." she held up a tiny glowing bottle of purple liquid.

"And what do I get in return?"

"Well, personally, I think a soulless slayer should be enough for you but you will also get our protection and if that isn't enough we have the power to put your soul back in you at any moment I see fit."

"And what if I refuse and say, kill you and every other paper pusher is this building than take the potion and go turn Buffy?" Angelus snarled while stepping dangerously close to Lilah.

"You don't seem to understand how much we own your ass right now. We have your soul and can give it and take it away at a whim." Lilah tried to sound brave but it petered with the last sentence.

"What is the catch?" Angelus didn't know if they could do what this bitch said they could but he didn't want to find out. 'Besides, this way I get to go see my girl again.' Angelus thought. 'And have some long awaited fun.'

"It is all in this contract." Lilah pulled out a large stack of papers and made it for the door before the angry Angelus completely zapped all her confidence. "While you get started, I'll send in a snack or two. You said you wanted a paper pusher right?"

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