Ch. 17 Change the Locks

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Shout out to Shelbylee2001. Thanks for the comment, you rock. Sorry, I didn't post last week or this weekend. Band-camp ended and after two weeks of working out with the Guard and the band and getting hella sunburnt I figured I needed a break. Sorry, it won't happen again ;)


Anya sat still, staring out into space, trying to comprehend what just happened. Willow and Dawn hugged each other while they cried and Xander silently held them. Tara sat by herself with tears while Angel stood with Buffy crying into his shirt.

Spike stormed in and they all looked up. "Guys we needa talk, it's about Buffy and..." he stopped when he saw Buffy and Angelus. "Angel. What's with all the crying? Did someone die?" Xander attacked him and shoved him against the door frame.

"You are so very lucky I don't have a stake in my hand." Xander hissed.

"What the bloody hell have gotten into you? What's goin' on?" Spike grunted.

"I told them what you tried to do to me, Spike." Buffy flashed a smile that no one saw but him.

"And what the hell was that?" Spike stared at Buffy and Angelus.

"How you tried to hurt her," Angelus smiled. "How you attacked her."

"Like hell would I ever hurt her." Spike scoffed.

"Oh, so all those times you tried to kill her, you were just playing?" Xander asked.

"Listen, that's not Angel he's Angelus. And that potion he gave her took Buffy's soul from her." Spike looked at all the faces that didn't believe him. "Niblet, you gotta believe me."

"Get out." Dawns face was hard.

"Someone hand me a stake," Xander ordered while he pinned Spike harder.

"No," Buffy went over to him. "Let him go." Xander did. "But next time anyone of us sees you, you're dead." She said the last of it with a smile and sent him flying out of the house with a punch.

He was laying on the lawn and she looked through the doorway at him with Angelus behind him.

"You're not welcome here anymore," Angelus smiled. "You're a very bad man." He quoted what Spike had said to him long ago.

"And don't worry about Dawnie, Angel and I will take good care of her," Buffy smiled while she slammed the door.


"Well, I'm glad that's over. I'm goin' to bed." Buffy said turning to the group yawning.

"Are you sure?" Tara asked.

"Yeah, long couple a days," She sighed. "You guys should get some sleep too."

"I'll stay, incase he comes back." Angelus put an arm around her waist.

"Okay, I don't think he will. You can stay in my room." Buffy offered.

"Sure thing. You got blinds?" He joked.

"We can do the spell so he won't be welcomed in," Tara said remembering the spell.

"Yeah, that will be good. Let's do that." Buffy smiled.


Willow and Tara did the spell to change the locks. Angelus was invited in by Buffy and the night came to an end. Anya managed to drag away Xander even though he protested, saying he wanted to sleep on the couch.

"Well, we're going to go upstairs to bed, unless you wanna talk?" Willow said stifling a yawn.

"It's fine Will. Both of you go to sleep." Buffy hugged them before they went to bed.

"You should go to bed too, Dawn." Dawn gave her a hard hug.

"I love you," Dawn said to Buffy's shoulder.

"I love you too, Dawnie." Buffy hugged her back. Dawn peeled away and ran up to her room, shutting the door.


Once everyone was upstairs and the house was quite when Buffy and Angelus went upstairs to talk.

"That couldn't have been more perfect." Angelus laughed.

"Keep it down." Buffy hissed. "You wanna wake the whole damn house?"

"No." There was a thunk outside. "What was that?"

"Nothing, probably the neighbors' cat." She started to put on her pajamas. "It did go good, didn't it? And you were right, the bruise helped."

"Knew it would." He answered smiling.

"So, we had a great first day. Went better than planned. Everyone believed us, including Dawn. So what's next?"

"Well, we could kill them now, while they're sleeping? Blame it on Spike?"

"No. Not yet anyway." Buffy laid down on her bed.

"You really are tired aren't you?" Angelus moved over to her.

"Yeah. I'm still human remember? Try not to kill or scare anyone tonight, okay?"

"I'll try my best." He said laying down next to her as he tried to come up with the best ways to torture the Scoobies.

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