Ch. 8 A New Sex Buddy?

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"Hey, Buff. Hey, Will. Hey..." everyone stared at Xander to see what nickname he would have for Tara. "Tar?" Xander greeted each of his girls as they entered the Magic Box. "Where's Dawnie?"

"Spending the day with her friends," Buffy said as she sat in her normal spot. 

"What she friends other than us? What is she doing with these so-called 'friends'?" Xander asked putting finger quotes around the last friends.

"Oh, you know. Probably just shopping, gossiping, having fun, doing what normal girls her age do." Willow joked as she started to help Anya with the shop going over inventory.

"Why does she get to have a normal life?" Anya asked sounding a little jealous.

"Because Any, she has yet to be tainted by the weirdness that is our life." Xander joked.

Willow walked over to a light pink glass statue. "Umm, Anya why are you selling this unicorn?"

"It was forged by the glass from Aphrodite's home temple. When you do the activation spell it makes you irresistible. Like the love goddess herself. I had a fun time with that thing before I lost my powers." Anya explained.

"Maybe we shouldn't sell that. Sounds a bit dangerous." Tara said.

"Fine. Send it to Giles to keep safe, or use, but he has to pay for it." Anya said as Willow walked into the basement with it.

"Good call Tara. We don't want a repeat of the love spell I did in highschool." Xander said smiling at the memory.

"Yeah, good call," Willow said coming up from the basement. "Oh speaking of good calls, Buffy what was up with the whole Angel call? Your cheeks were all pink at the end."

"He just said that he will be here tomorrow or so." Buffy started to get uncomfortable.

"Yeah but we already knew that," Xander said annoyed by Angel messing with Buffy.

"And he... well he called me his girl." Buffy got up and leaned on the counter. "It was weird."

"Well you are still his girl aren't you?" Anya said confused.

"God no. That time is long gone." Buffy said even more annoyed.

"Oh, do you have a new sex buddy?" Everyone looked up and Buffy covered her wrists.

"No, why would you ask that?" Buffy said moving to the training room.

"That's how I get over people. You can borrow the unicorn if you want." Anya said trying to be helpful.

"So Buff, you wanna go get that nest of blood suckers?" Xander said desperately trying to change the subject.

"No need. Spike took them all out by himself. I'm gonna go work out." Buffy started into the training room.

"Geez, I should piss off Spike more often. This whole town would be like a paradise" Xander joked before he left to go to work.

If he pisses off Spike anymore I will need to steal a new set of handcuffs.' Buffy thought as she started to work out. 'And maybe some drippy candles.


Angelus continued to drive threw the night, listening to the Barry Manilow station on the radio. He was almost half way between L.A. and Sunnydale. Well, it seems that I have grown a bit hungry again. What to do what to do.

As he was thinking he saw the road sign for the city of Lansing. Hmmm seems as good a place as any to grab a quick bite. And with that ,he pulled of the highway and into Lansing.

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