Ch. 15 Idiots

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Hey guys, Sorry I didn't update when I normally do. This past week was my Colorguard Camp. Plus next week is Band Camp. In addition my brother, niece, and sister in law are in town. Yesterday was my nephew's 2nd birthday and today was my nieces 1st. Crazy few weeks, but I'll do my best with posting. :)

~I'm editing this almost a year later and I looked at that note. Now I have a job and am in college. I also haven't seen that family for a year. My brother failed to come to my graduation for no real reason other then he didn't want to as well as missing my birthday and any day my mother tells him to call me. My niece is now 2 and absolutely adorable, we face timed once this year. My nephew is now 3 and an unholy terror that I love so much. Other than that, I'm going great now. I'm glad I'm a big kid now.~


"Hey, guys!" Buffy said bouncing into Magic Box with Angel hot on her heels.

"Where have you been all day?" Dawn asked worried and angry that her sister had ditched her all day.

"Oh, I spent it at Spikes. We snacked. We napped. That kinda stuff." She hopped up on the counter. "So, what we doing tonight, I'm thinking Bronze?"

"What about the potion?" Willow asked. "Are you... Well... Are you not evil?"

"I'm good, great actually. I feel all good and bubbly and energized and ready for fun. So, Bronze?" Buffy asked.

"Are you sure that's the best idea?" Xander asked.

"Positive. C'mon, I'll buy everyone a round, you too Dawnie." She smiled while everyone gave her shocked faces.

"You sure you're okay Buff?" Willow asked.

"Geeze, can't I joke anymore." She pulled Angel to her side. "What ya say, if these guys don't go , you and me, dancing? Drinks? Slayage?" he grabbed her waist.

"Sounds like a plan." They went the extra step further.  Everyone's mouths hit the floor. Thier eyes bulged out while Buffy and Angel's lips furiously went at it.

"What the damn hell?" Xander muttered holding his head.

Buffy pushed Angel away and jumped off the counter. She grabbed his arm and pulled him behind her. "So Bronze or not?" Buffy yelled behind her as she left with Angel.

"Well, I don't know about you guys but I'm going dancing," Anya said as she grabbed her coat and purse.


Dawn, Willow, Xander, Tara, and Anya were all sitting at the Bronze. Anya was dancing in her seat while sucking on her drink. I came here to dance and drink. Mostly to sexy dance with Xander. But no. He has to watch Buffy sexy dance with Angel. At least I'm drinking. Anya thought taking another long drink.


"Where the hell did you learn to dance like this?" Angelus asked.

"Are you kidding? Do you know how many nights I've sat in this club watching slutty girls dance with vampires? And aside from hunting the hunters, I also went dancing with Faith more than once."

"Thank God for that," Angelus said rubbing his hands up and down her back. He glanced at the Scooby Gang. "They keep staring."

"They're worried that I'll let Angelus out." she giggled and kissed him. "Idiots."


"What the hell is happening to her? First, she is friends with Spike, now she is grinding on Angel?" Xander thought out loud.

"Well, she has been quiet and kinda down recently. Maybe shes just trying to... to... feel something." Tara offered.

"Or get her life back." Anya offered. "Xander, can we dance now?"

"No." He answered. "Could she just dive into her work and not some vampires pants?"

"Would you rather her dive into someone like Riley's pants?" Dawn snapped.

"Shhh, they're coming," Willow whispered while she rapidly waved her hands at them. "Act natural."


The song ended and Buffy and Angel weaved back to the group. Angelus sat down on the couch and Buffy sat on his lap holding her drink and taking a long sip. "Mmmm alcoholic goodness."

"Might wanna slow down there Buff." Xander worried.

"No way, we're just getting started," Angel grinned.

"Okay, so I think one or two more dances than slaying," Buffy said looking at him.

"Sounds good," Angelus smiled taking a sip from her glass.

"Good. You staying up at that old mansion still?" Buffy followed up.

"Where else would I stay?" he asked in return.

"Cool." she turned to Dawn. "I might crash there tonight if that's okay with you Dawnie."

"Uh, yeah, sure that's fine," Dawn said uneasily. Not only had her uneasy feeling about Angel not gone away she now had one about her sister.

"Just be careful," a somewhat drunk Anya joked. "None of us want to see Angelus again."

Angelus and Buffy looked at each other and burst out laughing.


Willow and Tara took Dawn home while Xander and Anya stayed at the Bronze to appease Anya's want for sexy dancing with Xander. Buffy and Angel left saying that they were going to go out on patrol when in reality Angelus and the soulless Buffy went up to the old mansion to make plans.

"So," Buffy said sitting on the couch resting her legs in Angelus' lap. "We test to see how far our friendly Scooby Gang will let us go, but what about Spike?"

"I was thinking we have a Scooby meeting tomorrow. You tell the idiots how you and Spike were sleeping together he, of course, will be shocked you told them. Then you tell them he tried to rape you. Xander might kill him there." Angelus laughed. "The group will think he is evil." He smiled at Buffy and she smiled back.

"Sound good, just one little improvement..." she scooted so she was sitting on his lap. "Tomorrow I go over to him, you should come too, and we let him know just who you and I are and what we're about. Then when we do the Scooby meeting, he will say we're evil and bury that stake deeper in his chest." She finished with an evil smile as she wrapped her arms around Angelus' neck.

"God you're perfect." Angelus hugged her.

"Yeah, I know. We'll go tomorrow. In the mean time, there was a different type of fun we were talking about earlier?"  Buffy said kissing his neck.

"I hope I don't get my soul back doing this," Angelus said throwing her on the couch.

"Honey, what we're gonna do will in no way get you a soul."

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