Ch. 9 The Booty

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"That was a good workout," Buffy said to herself as she put the layers of clothes she stripped back on and walked out into the store. "Hey guys," she called to her friends but there was no answer. 

"Guys?" The store was empty. 'How long did I workout for?' she looked at the clock that read 3pm. 'I worked out most of the day.'

Might as well go home, see if anyone's there. and with that, she locked up the store and left for home. As she passed Spikes cemetery she stopped. Well since they ditched me they won't miss me for a few more hours.

Passions should be on. And Spike in the middle of it. I'm gonna sneak up on him.' she smiled to herself as she opened the crypt door without a sound and stood near it.

"Come on Thersia, he's no good for you, the wanker is cheating on you can't you see it?" Spike was practically laying in his chair.

"Are you really watching the Passions marathon?"

"Bloody Hell! Stop. Sneaking. Up. On. Me." Spike sat up some.

Buffy smiled at her success. "No. It's fun."

"What the hell are you even doin here?" He sat up further as she walked in and closed the door.

"I was working out and when I finished the shop was empty," Buffy said while she sat on the arm of Spikes chair.

"So you thought you would come here and get a little pay back with me?"

"Kinda. I was thinking. I'm gonna go home to a big empty house in a few minutes. And you never let me feel empty, so I was thinking, you wanna go to my place?" she slid from the arm to his lap.

"What about the nit, the bit, and the git?"


"Oh please. You've spent nought time with me to know. Guess luv, for every right answer I will give you a prize."

"Than can we go to my place?" Spikes nod made Buffy sigh. "Okay. Fine. The nit called and said he won't be here for a day or two? The bit is spending the day with her friends. And the git will be working or with Anya at the Magic Box."

"Very good luv, three for three."

"Cool. And do you have to call my friends names?" Buffy was happy and a little ashamed she knew all the answers.

"What about Red and her girl?" They were the last issue.

"They go to parks on sunny days like this. So grab your blanket and let's go." She hopped up and went for the door to wait while Spike went for blanket.

"What the nit call for?"

"Just to say he would be in in a day or two and he..." she didn't keep speaking.

"And what luv?" he grabbed his blanket and draped it over himself. "What?" Buffy had an unsure look.

"It will just make you mad..."

"Yeah, probably. Now spill it." she looked down. "Tell me or I'm gonna stay here and watch Passions. By myself."they stared at each other. When she didn't speak he let the blanket slip to the ground.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine. He... He called me his girl."

"His what?" now Spike was angry.

"I told him I wasn't and then he hung up, said he had to go." Spike was tense and his fists clenched at his side.

Buffy moved over and grabbed them till they relaxed and they held hers back. "If I'm anyone's girl, I'm yours." he relaxed more.

"And if you go home with me, I'll show you." she let go of him and took off running for her house with a smoking Spike hot on her heels.


Angelus was in the tiny town of Lansing. It was halfway between L.A. and Sunnydale, almost exactly. The population was small 'And it's about to get smaller.' he thought as he went to go find someone to eat.


"Cordy?" Fred was trying to make her talk to her. Cordelia had been silently working on filing since Angel left. "Cordy, come on, please?"

"Angels an asshole, and all those other things Spike calls him." Cordelia said.

"Well than why do you like him?" Fred tried to comfort her.

"What can I say. I like the booty." and like that Cordy went back to silently filing.

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