Ch. 26 Another Plan

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"Are you sure the spell is ready?" Gunn asked over his shoulder. 

"Yes, we just need Buffy." Willow hissed at him for the hundredth time.

"Their getting murdered in there." Gunn said getting antsy while he watched Xander get thrown into a wall. "I needa help them."


God damn it. Faith thought to herself while she got up from another of Buffy's hard kicks. Theres no way I can get her out there unless... she crouched down trying to pick the best moment. 'unless...


Buffy sent Cordelia flying into Wes sending them both to the ground. She took that moment to take a deep breath but it was knocked out of her when Faith tackled her hard sending both of them flying into the garden.


"Shit." Gunn jumped back to avoid getting taken out by the slayers.

"Now." Faith yelled while she wrestled with a majorly pissed off Buffy. "Jesus Christ, NOW!"

Willow and Tara joined their hands. "COH!". At their word, Buffy collapsed on top of Faith with light snores coming from her throat.

"Bout damn time." Faith groaned while she rolled a limp Buffy off of her. "Will, Tara, take care of Buffy. Tie her up somewhere in the mansion. Gunn, lets go help Spike."


Gunn and Faith went charging back in, ready to fight, only to be stopped by the sight of Spike hog-tying a livid Angelus.

"We found 'em. We found 'em." Dawn and Fred yelled coming back in carrying chains.

"Why are you hog-tying him?" Faith asked coming into the circle that everyone had formed.

"Its fun." Spike answered smiling while he knelt down on Angelus' back.

"I swear to god, William. I'm going to rip your damn head off." Angelus growled trying to roll Spike off of him. Spike silenced him with a hard punch.

"Shut up ya git. No you aren't." Spike got up and grabbed the chains from Fred. "You're a bit tied up at the moment."

"Uhh, we could use some help here." Willow grinned while she and Tara tried to drag in the unconscious Buffy.

"And some chains would be nice too." Tara added with a smile.

"I got ya." Xander grabbed the chains from Dawn and went over to Buffy. He picked her up princess style and carried her to the bedroom to chain her up. He returned smiling.

"Oh God." Cordelia said rolling her eyes. "You've wanted to chain Buffy up to a bed since you first met her. You must be over the freaking moon."

"Hey." Anya snapped at her.

"I refuse to answer." Xander said with a dopey grin.

"Hello? Can we get this show back on the road please?" Faith snapped. "Chain him up and let the uber witches do their thing."

"Fine by me, luv." Spike said throwing the tied up Angelus to the wall where he could chain him up. "Lets do this."


"Okay, we should be ready." Willow sat before an enraged Angelus with nothing but the circle of bones and runes between them.

"My girl is going to kill you all." Angelus galred at Willow. "And I'm going to watch." he laughed menacingly.

"Oh shut up already." Faith sighed kicking him in the side. "Do the spell Red. Before I stake him." Willow sat up getting ready to what was needed of her.

"Quod perditum est, invenietuur,
Not dead, nor not of the living
Spirits of the interregnum, I call.
Te impor, Doamne; nu ignora acesta regamute!
Lasa, orbita sa fie vasul care-i va transporta Sufletul la el.
Este scris, aceasta puter este dreptul poporul meu de a conduce
Asa sa fie! Asa sa fie!


Lilah sat in her dark office alone drinking some of the wine she kept for special occasions. She had her feet up on her desk while she stared at the Orb of Thesulah. Angel's soul was so bright it almost light the room on its own. She had done a good job and the Senior Partners themselves had expressed their pleasure, through an advocate of course.

She smiled staring at her triumph. Then the light started to flicker and fade as did her smile. The orb went dark, the black emptiness that was inside it now filled the room. "Son of a bitch." Lilah sighed putting down the rest of her wine.


"For the love of... Shut up." Spike yelled at Angel.

"Spike!" Fred snapped at him and went to help Angel.

"The re-ensouling process is kinda painful you know." Willow scolded him while she tried to get her strength back.

"Actually, I don't." Spike snarked. "When will he come to? We don't have much time till Sleeping Beauty comes too and tries to kill us all."

"Shut up Spike." Angel groaned rolling his head over in Fred's lap.

"Oh God," Fred held up her hands. "He's still evil isnt he?"

"Nope. Thats him." Xander said bitter-sweetly. "Good to have you back Fangboy."

"What the hell happened?" Angel asked slowly sitting up. "Why am I in Sunnydale?"

"You don't remember?" Fred asked sadly as the memory of Dr.Stach came creeping into her mind.

"Starting too." Angel replied putting his head in his hands. Everyone was quiet for a long moment letting Angle remember as much as he could. "Dear God."

"B's in the other room. Red and Tara did a spell to make her sleep for like a day." Faith explained. "Did you know she snores?"

"I have a faint memory of that, yeah." Angel looked up with red eyes. "So, whats the plan?"

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