Ch. 22 Faith's the Good Slayer Now

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"Buffy? Angel?" Dawn called out to her house while she walked in. 

"Aren't here yet." Willow called from the living room.

"Good." She and the Angel Investigations crew walked in the house. "Okay, you guys know Wes, Cordy and Faith. This is Winifred."

"Hi. You can call me Fred." She smiled and waved to the group who smiled back.

"This is Lorne, he's an empath." Dawn explained pointing to the demon.

"Don't worry, your feelings are safe from me unless you sing." He laughed to everyone.

"And this is Gunn." Dawn pointed to him.

"This is Willow and Tara. They live upstairs. They moved in when Buffy left." She pointed to the two girls who were holding hands on the couch.

"Good to see your still together." Faith smiled at them remembering how she had met them. Wes and Cordy raised their eyebrows but kept quiet.

"And Xander and Anya." Dawn pointed to Xander who sat in a chair with Anya on the arm. "Thier engaged."

"Congrats." Faith looked at them with another smile. Xander didn't meet her gaze but Anya did with a glare.

"I don't like you." Anya stated.

"Hey, don't I know you?" Cordelia said looking at Anya.

"She went to school with us." Xander explained.

"Now that we're all caught up and one big happy family do you mind on letting me in?" Spike growled leaning on the doors invisible barrier.

"Ops, Come on in Spike." Dawn smiled when he fell flat on his face.

"I thought you were already allowed in?" Fred asked confused.

"Oh, I was." Spike got up and went to lean on the fireplace. "They changed the locks on me, again apperently."

"Why?" Cordelia asked remembering having to change her cars locks from Angelus.

"After Buffy told us how she was having sex with him for so long she told us how he tried to hurt her so we threw him out." Anya explained. "Then Xander changed them again a little bit ago to mess him."

"She said what?" Spike sure as hell didn't see that coming.

"So B's the girl you use the cuffs with?" Faith asked impressed. "Damn."

"First Angle now Spike, God, is there any vampire she won't sleep with?" Cordelia wondered loudly while they started going over what would happen that night.


"Dawnie, we're home. You wanna go on patrol with me?" Buffy bounced into the house with Angelus behind her. "Hey guys, uh, whats going on here?"

"We just want to talk," Willow said carefully.

"I swear to God if this is another 'I feel' talk about Angel, I'm leaving." Buffy threatened crossing her arms.

"Angel." Fred breathed. Even though it wasn't really him she couldn't help but get excited.

"Fred, Wes, Gunn, Cordelia, Lorne." Angelus did roll call while he looked from face to face. "What are you doing here?"

"I had a vision Lilah took your soul then you took Buffy's." Cordelia said. They had talked about bringing up the subject more carefully, Cordelia however didn't care.

"She tried to, but I stopped her. That's why I asked if they were giving you a hard time." he said matter-o-factly.

"So you wouldn't mind a quick verse of Mandy?" Lorne asked seriously.

"No way." Angelus laughed. "You know I sound terrible."

"Guys, we should really get patrolling, this little meeting was fun though." Buffy started for the door with Angelus.

"Why don't you take a seat, B. This ain't over yet." Faith stepped out the dinning room to block her from the door.

"The hell are you doing here? Did you kill your prison warden?" Buffy taunted her with a smile.

"If neither of you wanna serenade us, Tara still has that spell she can do. You know, if you're good you get glitter and if you're evil you loose your face?" Faith took a step closer to her.

"They did that already. I got glitter, can we see what you get?" Buffy was pulled back by Angelus who went to lean on the wall. He noticed Spike.

"How'd you get in?" Angelus growled to Spike.

"The lil'bit let me in." Spike explained with a deadly stare.

"Dawn." Buffy snapped looking at her sister.

"I'll apologize when you sing or this house has glitter in it." Dawn glared at Buffy from her spot near Spike.

"I already did the damn spell, I'm not doing it again and I'm not singing." Buffy snapped at everyone.

"Why luv? Ya got a great singing voice." Spike turned his attention from Angelus to Buffy.

"I'm not your luv. Not anymore, don't you remember that little talk we had?" Buffy said getting angry that he still loved her.

"Easy now, darling." Angelus warned from his corner.

"I was never your luv. I just used you for sex and outta pity. You were nothing but me trying to feel something again when I came to this hell from heaven." Buffy said with a smile.

"So you never loved me then?" Spike said trying to sound calm even though his anger was boiling over.

"No, no I did but then..." She looked to Angelus then smirked back to Spike evilly. "I just lost it."

"Was that enough or do ya want more?" Spike asked to the group not taking his eyes off Buffy.

"Well, I was hoping for a quick musical break but..." Lorne tried to joke.

"I'm convinced." Faith answered for the group.

Buffy looked at Angelus who just nodded. "You guys really are idiots. First you brought me back from HEAVEN then you never noticed me sleeping with Spike and now you didn't even notice I was evil? God, its a wonder how none of you have died yet. Oh, but I guess that's my job isn't it?" Buffy said to everyone.

"You know it's really too bad they figured it out. I was really looking forward to going on patrol with Dawn." Angelus smiled at her.

"Over my pile of ashes would I let that happen," Spike growled.

"Oh Spike old boy, you used to be so evil and powerful, what happened to you?" Angelus taunted.

"Me. I ruined him." Buffy sighed turning to thr group. "You know, we actually invited him to join us, but he pussed out."

"I said I wouldn't give up on you that easily, luv."

"You're not demon enough to be my luv anymore." Buffy glared.

"I'm not demon enough?" Spike asked confused. "Or are you not human enough, I remember some of the things we did together and I know you do too."

"You've gone soft, Spike. I remember some of the things you used to do." Angelus chimed in.

"The things I did weren't have as bad as what you did." Spike scoffed.

"No, but they were pretty damn close," Angelus smiled.

"Whatever, I'm bored now. Angelus, can we go play?" Buffy walked over to him.

"Lets," they walked for the door. "We'll be back for you all later." He looked back smiling then left.

"So, does this mean I'm the good slayer now?" Faith asked once the door closed.

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