Ch. 23 Thunder Tit

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"So... why did we let them go?" Xander asked breaking the silence that took the room when Buffy and Angelus left. 

"And what do they mean by 'play'?" Dawn asked worrying what her sister was doing.

"They're probably having fun like I used to." Faith said while she continued to stare at the door.

"So killing people and having lots of rough sex?" Xander snapped at her.

"Xander's right, why did we let them go?" Fred interjected, worried that Faith's kill count would go up.

"Say we did stop them, then what? They are more powerful, dangerous, and have a larger combined kill count than more of us here. And that's with souls. No, we need a plan." Wes said taking a seat next to Willow on the couch.

"Well, I could probably recurse Angel." Willow offered.

"And B?" Faith asked making everyone go deep in thought again.

"OH! I still have the vile that the potion came in. I was gonna put some perfume in it and some glitter. But with all that has happened I haven't had any time to clean it out." Dawn jumped up and started for the stairs. "Its in my room, I'll grab it."

"Its too much." Faith muttered to herself.

"Faith?" Fred asked concerned that Faith would bail on them or join Buffy and Angelus.

"They're too much. We can't take em both. We need to get rid of one. I say we fix Angelus then focus on B." Faith said taking charge.

"No way, we can take them both." Gunn joked making everyone in the room burst out laughing.

"Okay," Dawn said running back into the room. "Here it is." she tossed it to Willow and Tara. Tara was the one who caught it.

"It still has some energy left on it. We could do something with it. B-but it could take a while, we would have better luck fixing Angelus first." Tara concluded handing it to Willow.

"Uh, Strawberry Cakes?" Lorne waved to Willow. "Before we go too far into plan mode, can we maybe do that lock changing thing?"

"Yeah of course, that's probably a good idea." She and Tara got up to fix the locks.


"Maybe we should all stay here tonight." Fred wringed her hands while she paced.

"But all our stuff is at Spikes. Our clothes, our weapons..." Cordelia pointed out.

"Do you wanna walk there?" Dawn asked sarcastically.

"So who am I bunking with?" Lorne asked clapping his hands.

"Ummm, problem, I took all the sleeping supplies to Spike's." Dawn said nervously.

"And there's a mini weaponry there. I can go grab some stuff." Faith started walking to the door.

"I'm goin with." Spike followed.

"Nah, its cool, I got this." Faith said putting on her leather jacket.

"Maybe yeah, but if Thunder Tit and Buffy are at my crypt waiting you're screwed." Spike said putting on his coat.

"Thunder Tit?" Faith asked raising an eyebrow.

"Hes right." Xander winced at agreeing with Spike. "Slayer and vampire v.s slayer and vampire. You'll stand a better chance."

"Fine, be back in fifteen." She threw the door open. "Try and keep up." She grinned at Spike before taking off at full speed.


"Well, that could have gone better." Angelus groaned while he sat down by the fire. They had sprinted back to the mansion after the mission. Well, they did stop for Buffy to help Angelus get someone to eat, but it was only a few minutes delay with how little the girl fought. 

"Very much so, would have been much better if we could have taken Dawnie on patrol." Buffy said sitting next to him.

"So, what do you want to do now?"

"Well, I say we make Dawn, Xander, Willow, Faith, Tara, Fred and Gunn vampires." Buffy smiled.

"And the rest?" Angelus asked intrigued.

"Kill Wes because he annoys me. Anya will probably become a vengeance demon again." Buffy smiled happy with her plan.

"And Cordelia and Lorne?" Angelus asked, so far pleased with the plan.

"We sing to Lorne so he will know all the terrible things we will do than we kill him. But Cordelia," Buffy sat up and looked in his eyes. "Cordelia will be our own little Drusilla. We'll save her for last, make her watch as many of the other deaths as possible." Angelus grabbed her tight.

"I love it, when do we start?" he asked while he started to take off her shirt.

"Well, we start with the weakest. Maybe Dawn or Xander. Oh, but Tara and Willow need to watch eachother die. Or maybe one of them can sire the other." Angelus cut off her evil ramblings with a kiss.

"All in time my dear. All in time."


"Back." Faith yelled when she burst into the house with bags a plenty.

"Did you see them? What did you grab? Wheres Spike?" Dawn rambled off questions while Gunn and Wes went to help Faith.

"I staked him." Faith said nonchalantly while everyone gasped.

"You what?" Dawn asked while tears started to form in her eyes.

"Geeze kid, calm down. I was just joking." Faith said dropping the last of the bags. "He got the rest of the bags. He'll be here..."

"Bloody hell." Spike groaned stumbling through the door.

"Soon." Faith finished.

"Spike, are you okay?" Dawn asked while she and Fred went to help him.

"She loaded me up like a damn pack mule." he started to let the bags fall while he looked at Faith. "You're the damn slayer. You're stronger than me. Why the hell didn't you get more to carry?"

"Because you didn't fight back when I started loading you up." Faith laughed.

"So, what'd you grab?" Gunn asked going through some of the bags.

"Looks like everything," Cordelia said. "Oh, good you grabbed my bag." She smiled picking it up.

"Yup. Packed up and grabbed all we could. Guess it was everything." Faith cracked her back. "I'm gonna crash. It's late, or early now I guess. Anyway we'll need rest to fight off B and Angelus."

"I don't think I can." Fred said quietly.

"Its okay, Fred. You and Cordy can stay in my room. If you want." Dawn offered.

"Sounds good." Fred and Cordy grabbed their bags and followed her upstairs.

"Dibs on couch!" Faith yelled flopping down on it and getting comfortable.

"Xander and Anya are with us." Willow pipped in. "Gunn, Wes, you guys can stay in Buffy's room. You too Lorne. Spike, basement."

"Uhh Buffy's room?" Gunn stood still.

"If she were to come back, her room would be it." Wes explained. Everyone looked at Faith.

"What?" She asked.

"Wanna bunk with us?" Gunn asked embarrassed.

"Dibs on the bed." She grabbed her bag and sprinted up to the room while Wes and Gunn trudged behind, each wishing they had called dibs faster.

"So, what about me." Lorne asked nervously.

"Well, you can have the couch or go in the basement with Spike, I guess." Willow shrugged.

"I think I'll bunk with Spike. The buddy system seems to be the thing tonight." Lorne went to the basement. Everyone settled in for a long sleepless night.

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