Ch. 20 I Don't Like This Plan

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"Alright. They'll be at my crypt tomorrow." Spike hung up the phone and went to sit on the couch.

"So, what now? We just wait?" Dawn asked as she began to getting uppity.

"Well, we could go to the Scoobies." He kicked his feet up on the coffee table and looked for the remote. "But I'd rather not end up in Xander's dustpan."

"We need to. W-we need their help. We can convince them. I can convince them." Dawn stood in front of the TV.

"They'll kill me, pet."

"I won't let them. And I'll go in first to talk to them and make sure it's only them in there."

"You ain't gonna give up, are you?" Spike asked sighing looking at her resolve face. "Fine, lets go."


"Hey, guys. Buffy or Angel here?" Dawn asked bursting into to the Magic Shop looking anxious.

"No. Why whats wrong?" Tara asked worried. She stood up and walked to nearer to her.

"Okay. Promise me you won't freak out or anything, but yes. There is something very bad happening it's-" She was cut off by a smoking Spike bursting in the shop. Everyone immediately grabbed a weapon and took a fighting stance.

"Spike!" Xander charged him with a ready stake. Dawn jumped in front of Spike holding out her hands at Xander.

"No Xander wait please just listen." She yelled with her eyes closed. If Xander had not stopped in time it would have gone right threw Dawn's heart.

"What? What do you have to say for him?" Xander asked filling with anger.

"Angels Angelus and Buffy has no soul," Dawn said. She opened her eyes but kept her arms out.

"You actually believe him?" Xander asked in disbelief while he waved his stake at Spike.

"I do. I've had an off feeling about both of them and.."

"Dawn, I don't think that a feeling is enough to go on for this one." Willow interrupted. She stood her ground with an axe between the counter and table.

"AND," Dawn said pointedly, she hated being interrupted. "We called L.A. Cordelia had a vision of the whole thing. They will be here tomorrow." Dawn finished standing at her full height with her arms crossed.

"She really had a vision?" Tara asked putting down her weapon.

"Yeah. So tomorrow night I'm calling a surprise Scooby meeting. The Angel Investigations team will be there, Spike too." She still stood in front of Spike. Tara was the only one who lowered her weapon, the others still had them in a tight grip.

"How will we even know if it's really them?" Anya brought up a good point from her spot with an axe behind the counter.

"Well, we still have that spell, the glitter one. We could do that. I don't know if it would work for Angel though." Tara started to search through the books on the table looking for the piece of paper that they used for the spell. Willow lowed her sword a little but was still ready to use it.

"If Buffy's evil, Angel will be too." Spike stepped out from behind Dawn.

"I don't like this plan." Xander lowered the stake to his side but still had a tight grip.

"No, you don't like Spike, and you don't have to like either. Just keep quiet about the plan." Dawn ordered.

"And if I don't? And if Buffy isn't soulless?" Xander asked angrily.

"If you don't keep your mouth shut, I'll never trust any of you ever again, as long as I live." she starred in his eyes driving her point home and making it known to everyone just how serious she was. She broke the awkward moment with a shrug. "And if Buffy isn't evil you can kill Spike."

" Hey?" Spike yelled his disapproval.

"Alright, I'm in." Xander set his weapon down which made the others do the same.

"So now what, we just wait?" Willow asked anxiously.

"Yeah. Don't let on to anything, okay? Leave if you have to. Don't be late tomorrow. Can we do this?" Dawn asked the group holding her breath. She let it out when everyone nodded to her.

"I'm gonna go back home. Call you when The Git Investigations get in." Spike sprinted out of the Magic Box.

"So, what were you guys doing before we barged in?" Dawn asked while she took a seat trying to get back to normalcy.

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