Ch. 19 Shit, B's a Vamp?

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"Cordelia will you go clean this off so Fred can polish is?" Wes asked as he and Gunn came back in holding an axe covered in green goop and bits.

"Sure thing," Fred answered for her, jumping up from her spot next to Lorne.

"Ugh, fine." Cordy groaned throwing her magazine down and taking the axe. "What type of demon was it?"

"A Marmont. Nasty thing." Wes sat down to start regaling his battle. "It was-"

"Well, before I get too enthralled, I'm going to go out and wash this Marmont off." Cordelia went out to the yard hose and started to scrub.

"Eww." Cordy started to clean. God this is nasty. What in the world is this doing to the grass? she wondered as she got done cleaning. Owe. Ugh,now I'm getting a headache. Owe. Owe. Oh crap. She dropped the axe and started to see.


"Cordy? Cordelia?" Wes' voice started to come through her dark haze. "You have to wake up."

For a second she forgot about the terrifying vision she had, she just slowly remembered where she was and what was going on around her. She was clutching her head and Wes was holding her up. Lorne, Gunn, and Fred were kneeling beside her. Her head hurt so she stayed down until she remembered.

"Oh God no." She gasped and sat up clutching her head.


"Cordelia slow down. Tell us what happened." Wes yelled while the group chased a stumbling Cordy to the phone. Wes reached it first.

"Move, I need to call them." She gasped.

"Who? Call who? What did you see?" Wes both demanded and pleaded.

"It's Angelus." Cordy propped herself against the counter and grabbed her head. "God, could someone get me some damn aspirin?"

Fred grabbed the aspirin out of Cordy's drawer and handed her some. "Buffy let out Angelus?"

"No. I saw Lilah too." she took the pills. "Buffy doesn't have a soul either."

"Buffy's a vampire now?" Gunn asked wide eyed.

"A slayer vampire? Well, I was thinking about going to Europe for a long vacation, you guys wanna come?" Lorne joked.

"No, she's still alive." Cordy corrected.

"But she has no soul?" Wes tried to clarify.


"And she's teamed up with Angelus?" Fred asked.

"YES DAMNIT! Now may I please call them?" She reached for the phone.


"DAWN! DAWN GODDAMN IT! LET ME IN!" Spike yelled while pounding on the door.

"Sorry. Sorry." She yelled opening  it. "Please come in." Spike ran in throwing off his blanket. "Sorry, I was getting dressed."

"Well, damn well hurry next time. Where is everyone?" he asked putting out the last of what was smoking.

"Xander's at the construction site. Anya's at the shop with Willow and Tara. Buffy's at her yearly check up. Angelus is at the mansion. Later we are all supposed to meet at the Magic Box." Dawn filled in.

"Good. That should give us time." he moved to the phone.

"Who are you calling?"

"Angels crew in L.A. I'm callin for help, see if they know what happened. Maybe callin them as reinforcements." he reached for the phone but stopped when it started ringing.

"Well, who do you think that is?" Spike pondered.

"I don't know. What do we do?"

"Answer it, I suppose."

"So answer it." she took a step back "You're closer."

"It's your bloody house." Spike scoffed.


"Gah, fine." he picked up the phone. " 'Ello?"


"Spike?" a confused voice came.

"Maybe. Who's this?" he answered.

"Dammit Spike, listen. I had a vision, wait is Buffy or Angel there?" Cordelia seemed worried.

"No. Why?" he looked at Dawn.

"Okay, so I had this vision. Lilah was there and there was lots of chanting and this purple potion looking thing. Long story shot, Angle is Angelus and Buffy has no soul." she said in one big breath.

"Yeah. We figured. Well, Dawn and I did. Well, Dawn did. Buffy and the wanker told me." Spike filled her in.

"This is bad, very bad, a soulless slayer teamed up with Angelus." they took a moment to imagine all the terrible possibilities.

"Yeah. Well, you know where my crypt is. See you there tomorrow?"

"Sure thing, sounds like fun." With that they hung up.


"Pack your bags. We're leaving in the morning." Cordelia ordered as she hung up the phone.

"Cool. Where we goin?" a voice came from the doorway that made Wes squeal.

"Faith! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in prison?" he asked trying to get his cool back.

"Yeah, but a coupla days ago the warren came to my cell, said I was free to go out on probation of this big company. Wolfdeer and Kidney I think?"

"Wolfram and Hart?" Fred asked.

"Yeah that the one. Anyway, I met with one of their people who's supposed to be my probation officer. I think her name was Lilly?"

"Lilah?" Gunn got tired of her plotholes.

"Could've been. She's the one who paid me to kill Angel. Anyway, she said I was basically free to go, but that Angel needed me for somethin' big. So I came runnin'. No good fights in prison you know, least not for a slayer. Always had to hold back so I didn't kill anybody else. So what we fighting and where?" Faith concluded bouncing on her heels at the idea of a good fight.

"Yeah, turns out Lilah did a spell to take Angel's soul. Than, Angelus took Buffy's." Fred helped.

"Shit, B's a vamp?" Faith was stunned.

"No." Cordelia rolled her eyes. "She is alive just without a soul. Angelus gave her a potion from Wolfram and Hart."

Faith took a moment to deal. "So, Sunnydale?"

"Yup. Leaving in the morning. Fill you in on the road. Let's go pack." They all separated.

Everyone packed what they would need. Faith packed mostly weapons, using some of the bags that Angel didn't take. Her only clothes were those that she wore so she got a pair of black leather pants from Cordelia and a gray shirt Gunn gave her. She packed those along with ten knifes, three axes, two crossbows, fifty arrows, two swords and one bag filled with nothing but stakes. She was prepared for a war.

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