Ch. 16 Very Few Souls

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Shout out to: Sundae_Starr, all4ever, and BROOKLYNB46. You guys are basically the only people who read and like this. So... You know... Thanks. You guys are the only real reason I keep posting and all that. You da real MVP... 


Spike was downstairs rummaging through his liquor cabinet singing to himself. "There is nothin' fair in this world. There is nothin' safe in this world." There was the sound of the door opening and closing upstairs. " 'ello? Anyone up there? Buffy? Little Bit?" No answer, he figured Buffy ran into surprise him so he went back to his search and singing.

"And there's nothin' sure in this world." He found a bottle of rum and started upstairs. "And there's nothing pure in this world!" He reached the top.

"Start again." Buffy said finishing his song.


Buffy was sitting on the arm of his chair staring at him with a devious smile.

"Where the hell were you last night?" Spike asked opening his drink.

"I got a little hung up," Buffy answered cooly.

"Yeah, doin' what?" he took a drink.

"Me." Angelus came out of the shadows.

"Like bloody hell, bugger off." Spike spat.

"You act like he's lying." She cocked her head.

"Ain't he?" Suddenly Spike was worried.

"Nope." She smiled wickedly.

"Spike, old boy, you never could satisfy a woman like me," Angelus moved over to Buffy. "Not Drusilla. Not Buffy."

"Angelus, Buffy get away from him." Spike grabbed an axe.

"Nah, I'm fine here." Buffy grabbed Angelus' hand.

"Buffy?" Spike lowered his axe but didn't lessen his grip.

"Not quite. You know, you've stopped asking me how my day has been going. It was actually filled to the brim." Buffy got up and slowly moved over to Spike. "You see, right after I left here, I ran into Angelus. A few minutes later the potion he gave me kicked in and poof..." she made an explosion with her hands. "My soul was gone."

"No." Spike dropped his axe.

"Yup. After that, we went to the Magic Box and spent some time with the gang. They were all there, even Dawnie. Then we hit the Bronze, after that we went to the mansion and did things that would make Angel Angelus."

"Damn right you would have," Angelus grinned.

"Technically you don't have a soul, and since we can kill people for you, you can still feed. So join us in whipping out the Scoobies and so much more or..." She let the ;or; hang in the air while she thought of the plan that she and Angelus made the night before.

"Her idea by the way," Angelus chimed in. "I personally want to kill you... or have you killed."

"Buffy, this isn't you," Spike begged.

"I guess its that old game of kill or be killed isn't it Spike old boy?" Angelus smiled.

"Shut the bloody hell up." Spike spat. "Buffy, please luv, I know you're in there. Fight, you're stronger than the git and the bitch in you."

"Your right, Spike. Her soul keeps fighting to come back in. But I won't let it. Ever. So chose." Her face was cold and her voice was hard.

Spike set his jaw. "I won't give up on you, pet. Not that easily."

"Than suffer." Buffy walked over to the door and grabbed the thick blanket Angelus used to run from the car to the crypt.

"Billy Idol, really?" Angelus commented on Spikes song choice while walking to Buffy. "Oh, and don't miss the meeting tonight, it's gonna be killer."


"So whats the meeting for Buffster?" Xander asked.

Everyone was sitting in the Summers' living room. Xander, Dawn, and Willow sat on the couch. Anya and Tara sat on the two side chairs closest to who they were with. Buffy and Angel were standing in front of them.

"It's about Spike," Buffy said her voice was uncommonly weak and she had a deep bruise on her cheek.

"What about Spike?" Dawn asked.

"For a few months now he and I have been sleeping together." Everyone but Dawn's eyes opened wide. "It started when we got in the fight that took down that building, well it wasn't really the fight that took it down but it did start it. Anyway, since that whenever I went missing I was with him, the other day when he was helping with 'cardio'..." She took a deep breath. "It was more like a full body workout."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Willow asked.

"She was afraid," Dawn said with a smirk.

"W-well do you love him because it's ok if you do," Tara said trying to support her friend.

"Kinda." Buffy started pacing. "But with Angel back I need some space to think. So I told Spike that. I went over yesterday to spend the day with him and talk about it...he attacked me."

"Buffy no." Willow gasped.

"I'll kill him," Xander said with anger.

"What did he do?" Anya asked.

"Nothing, its what he tried to do, Angel stopped him." Buffy got tears in her eyes while Angelus walked over to her.

"What did he try?" Xander asked through gritted teeth.

Buffy looked at Dawn who was close to tears. "Id rather not say. Dawn doesn't need to know."

"No," Dawn said with tears streaming down her face. "I don't believe you."

"I saw it, Dawn, he did. Plus she has the bruises to prove it." Angel stepped in.

"No, he wouldn't do that," Dawn said with her sureness melting.

"Dawn, he doesn't have a soul remember?" Buffy said carefully.

"Then why did you sleep with him and trust him?" She snapped.

"Because I forgot he was soulless. Because he took care you while I was dead. Because I forgot he was a monster!" Buffy yelled. She turned to Angel and he hugged her while she cried. God, we are such good actors. She thought I should really get an award for this, oh wait, I guess I am. If this goes good I get to kill them all.

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