Chapter 4

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Y/N is in his dorm, sitting on his small table as he examines his gauntlets to see anything to tune. He then puts them on, doing some fighting stance.

Y/N: ("Hmm, seems well enough. Got to thank Ruby with a bag full of cookies. She always looks adorable when eating cookies... wait, is that a weird thing to say?")

He suddenly hears a knock on his door. Once Y/N answer it, he sees Glynda, standing before him.

Y/N: "Oh, Miss Goodwitch. What can I do for you?"

Glynda: "Professor Ozpin would like to see you in his office." 

As she said this, her eyes drift down to see Y/N wearing his gauntlets.

Glynda: "I see you're using them well."

Y/N: "Huh, oh, yeah I am. Ruby helps me with the modifications though."

Glynda: "I see. You can bring them over as well."

Y/N: "Really? Okay then."

The two head towards the elevator, which leads them to Ozpin's office. During this, Y/N and Glynda had a small chat, mostly about the food fight that happened the other day and about Qrow.

Glynda: "So does he let you fight the Grimm by yourselves?"

Y/N: "Yeah... Well, no... he just let me either watch him kill Grimm from a distance or only let me kill a few fledglings."

Glynda was quite surprised, considering how she perceive Qrow. Y/N take notice of this. 

Y/N: "I know, quite protective."

Glynda: "I... see. I never knew that."

 Once the elevator doors open, Y/N spot the headmaster himself, standing and looking out through his window as he and Glynda walk in. Y/N also spot huge Atlassian ships appear in the sky.

Glynda: "He certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels."

Y/N: "Uhm... Ozpin, what's with those ships?"

Ozpin: "General Ironwood has come to Beacon for... certain reasons."

Y/N: "Hold on, Ironwood? Like, the headmaster and general of Atlas, Ironwood?"

The headmaster goes to sit back down on his chair.

Ozpin: "Precisely. But we have to wait a little before the general arrives here."

He points at the chair in front of his desk.

Ozpin: "Please, have a seat."

Y/N: "Alright." 

He goes to sit down as Glynda goes to stand beside Ozpin. After a few moments of silence, Ozpin breaks that silence.

Ozpin: "So, how are those gauntlets doing for you?"

Y/N: "Oh, they're doing fine. Ruby helps me with customizing them. See?"

Once he activates the gauntlets, they form around half of his forearms and near his knuckles, showing where it's been modified and reinforced to make it durable. 

Ozpin: "Well, I'm glad it's to your liking."

That's when a buzzer on Ozpin's desk ring, letting him know that someone is in the elevator.

Ozpin: "Come in."

The elevator doors open, revealing a large military man, who Y/N know from Winter, as General Ironwood.

The elevator doors open, revealing a large military man, who Y/N know from Winter, as General Ironwood

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