Chapter 34

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(A/N: This is probably my longest chapter I've done so far so, be warned. Other than that, hope you enjoy reading it.)


(A Few Days Later)

In the dead of evening, Neo, who stands on one of the many rooftops, watches the cleanup effort on the Breach from afar. The cleanup effort is almost completed, thanks to Glynda and Vale's authorities and huntsmen as well as the assistance of Team RWBY.

Neo: "..."

Having seen enough of this and not spotting Y/N in the area, the mute girl turns around and walks off before vanishing from sight, thanks to her semblance.

(Several Minutes Later)

Being dismissed by Glynda, Team RWBY can finally relax in their dorm after finishing the cleanup effort on the Breach. Before long, the now-recovered Y/N has left the school infirmary, completely healed from his injuries and is allowed to go back to his dorm room. The moment Y/N reaches his bed, he quickly falls down on it.

Y/N: "I need some sleep."

As he said this, he shut his eyes and began to sleep. Once the girls reach their dorm room, they immediately enter and collapse on top of their respective beds. Utterly exhausted, Ruby comments.

Ruby: "Yaaaay... we finished!"

The rest of the team follow suits.

Weiss: "Ugh, thank goodness."

Blake: "That was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be."

Yang: "Well... at least our part of the cleanup effort is done... so that's good."

The girls share a collective sigh of relief, knowing that despite their failure in stopping the Breach, they manage to assist in fixing the damages it caused. There's a moment of silence in the air as they get comfy in their beds. With her hands behind her head, Yang idly comments.

Yang: "You know... I heard from one of the nurses that Y/N has healed up and left the infirmary."

Immediately, this peaks their interests, but they don't move an inch from their spots.

Blake: "Is that so?"

Yang: "Mm-hm."

Ruby: "You think he's in his room by now?"

Weiss: "Of course, where else would he be? Here?"

Yang: "I mean, he might. Blake and I slept in his bed before."

Weiss: "Yang!"

Yang: "What? I'm just saying."

Getting comfortable with her pillow, Blake speaks up.

Blake: "Well, it's good to hear that he's finished recovering now."

The team leader nods in agreement.

Ruby: "I agree. That's why I think we should celebrate."

Weiss: "Celebrate?"

Ruby: "Yeah! You know, celebrate for his recovery and for us finishing our part in the cleanup effort. Since tomorrow is the weekend, we can just invite Y/N over with us for a day out on the town."

Yang: "Hell yeah! Sounds like a group date to me."

Blake: "A group date?"

Yang: "Uh-huh. We won't get another opportunity like this once the Vytal Festival and the tournament comes around. Why not take this chance while we still can?"

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