Chapter 27

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Inside of Roman's private space/cabin, Roman sip a drink from a glass cup as Neo read a magazine before looking at him and proceeds to use her sign language.

Roman: "What is it, Neo?"

Neo: "What happened to Red and Y/N?"

Roman: "They're still there, don't worry. It's just..."

The man let out a groan before continuing. 

Roman: "For a moment, Red got... under my skin to say the least."

Neo: "How so?" 

The crime boss goes silent for a moment, taking a sip from his cup only to respond back.

Roman: "I remember being just like her at one point... long before I found you, Neo."

As he said this, Neo gives him a warm smile.

Roman: "I feel kinda... sore see her go through the reality of being tortured, at least the way I'm doing it. Especially when that Y/N guy is just watching her go through that."

He then sighs at the remark he just made.

Roman: "I've must admit, it's harder to hurt a couple of kids when it's not in the heat of combat, but a stiff drink will melt that mental block away." 

Once he said that last part, he proceeds to take one long sip of his stiff drink while Neo goes back to her magazine, hoping that either the interrogation would be over, or Y/N manage to escape via the glass she gave him.

Neo: "..."

Back with Y/N, he's blocking every ongoing strike from Darius's katana. Y/N quickly dodge from his Shockwave only to be kick in the face, launching him a few meters away.

Darius: "You have all that power... and now you chose to restrict yourself...?! Why couldn't you have done that before?!?!"

He sends another Shockwave at Y/N only for Y/N, now red-eyed, lift his Grimm Slayer cut away the shockwave from him. Darius starts rushing towards him, throwing a handful of knives at him. Y/N, of course, deflect all of them with his gauntlets, and purposefully fall down to avoid a horizontal swing from Darius's katana just to kick him off the ground. As he falls, Darius manages to grab Y/N's leg, making him fall as well. They quickly get back up, grabbing their respective weapon and circling around each other as they begin to feel tired.

Darius: "How... How did you survive Brightwell's destruction...?"

Staring him down, Y/N responds back.

Y/N: "I had a mentor... he took me in... and... he made me the way I am... now..."

Darius just chuckles at this. 

Darius: "Funny... I have a mentor too."

Y/N was taken aback by his comment as Darius quickly rush towards him only for his katana and Y/N's Grimm Slayer to collide with one another.

Y/N: "Who... who is it?"

Darius: "I... I can't tell you..."

As he said this, Darius manages to push him back, kicking in the chest before sending another Shockwave to make him crash against a nearby wall. Y/N quickly recovers before seeing Darius leap forward, about to swing his katana down at him. Swiftly, Y/N manage to block the strike with his blade, pushing Darius back before flanking him and punch him with his gauntlets. 

Y/N: "You're going to tell me... eventually..."

His cousin soon recovers from that attack, slowly standing back up.

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