Chapter 31

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(Ozpin's Office)

It's been an hour since the Atlesian fleet, and their robots managed to push back the Grimm. Ozpin is watching an hour worth of video footage on his screen, recorded by the robots during their fight against the Grimm with the Vale Council, on a holographic screen in front of him. There's even footage of Roman Torchwick being escorted inside an Atlesian airship by Mercury and Emerald.

Roman: "Oh, I can't believe that you caught me. You've really taught me the error of my ways."

Emerald just rolls her eyes as an Atlesian Knight grab the crime boss by the arm, dragging him inside with another following behind him.

Roman: " Hey, watch the hat! Watch the suit!"

The video footage soon ends, but Ozpin still ponder to himself, staring at his scroll. One of the councilmen tries to get the headmaster's attention.

Councilman #1: "Professor Ozpin...?"

No response from Ozpin, who still stare at his scroll before one of the councilmen shout briefly.

Councilman #2: "Ozpin!"

The little shout finally catches the headmaster's attention.

Ozpin: "Yes, Councilman."

The headmaster finally looks upon the video feed of the councilmen, all shown on a holographic screen with Ironwood's video feed in the corner of the screen.

Councilman #1: "Due to your failure to contain the Breach. With your own huntsmen sent to Mountain Glenn and were too late to return to protect the city."

Councilman #2: "Not to mention, the questionable decision to involved four of your students, one of your professors, a corgi dog, and your 'secret agent' as your 'Scouts' to this entire incident."

Councilman #1: "Therefore, we have reached out to the Atlas Roundtable and together, we have decided that the best course of action is to appoint General Ironwood as head of security for the Vytal Festival."

Upon saying this, Ironwood's video feed increases, covering half of the holographic screen with the Vale Council's vide feed covering the rest.

Ironwood: "Thank you, Councilman. Our Kingdom is happy to lend as many troops as it takes to ensure that the event runs smoothly and safely as possible."

Councilman 1: "And we thank you, General Ironwood."

Ozpin stay quiet before sighing and replying back.

Ozpin: "Very well then. Will that be all?"

Councilman #2: "For now. But after this festival comes to a close, we are going to have a serious discussion about your position at Beacon Academy. General Ironwood's reports over the last few weeks have left us somewhat... concerned. I am sure you understand."

Ozpin: "What exactly do you mean?"

Councilman #2: For one thing, your 'secret agent' has failed to do his mission in finding the White Fang's secret hideout. Therefore, he must be punish for his failure in stopping the Breach from happening."

The general cuts in.

Ironwood: "Councilman, isn't it a little too harsh? If it weren't for the young man and his team's interference in whatever the White Fang were planning, the damages and causalities wouldn't have been more severe."

The handful of councilmen all remain quiet for a moment before one of them responds back.

Councilman #1: "That may be true, General. However, it doesn't change the fact that the Breach has cause a lot of damage in Vale along with the numerous causalities from civilians and a few Huntsmen." 

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