Chapter 30

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(The Streets of Vale)

The odds look ever against their favor as Team RWBY+Y/N, Team JNPR, Oobleck, and Zwei (who is still inside of Ruby's backpack) are continually pushed back deeper and deeper into the city streets as the Grimm cover the majority of Vale's town square.

Y/N: ("Damn it! The more we kill them, the more keep popping up! I know we're trying to retreat but, I just... want to get rid of them all...!")

Suddenly, around the corner, two police cars, both of which are driving pretty erratically as they run over objects in their path. After plowing over some Grimm, the two police cars eventually come to a stop, each blocking two streets, one of them parking in front of the injured and tired Y/N and the rest. 

Y/N: "What the hell?"

The police car in front of them, Team SSSN (Season) comes out of the car.

Blake: "Sun?"

Sun: "Hey guys!"

Neptune: "We're here to assist."

Team CRDL comes out of the second police car as they quickly approach the group, much to the group's surprise. 

Y/N: "Cardin? You're here too?"

The bully just scoffs at his remark. 

Cardin: "Yeah, so?"

In response, Y/N just chuckles that a bully like Cardin would 'help' out.

Scarlet: "The police are sealing off this section of the city."

Sage: "Unfortunately, that means trapping anyone inside."

Sun: "That's why we decide to steal a police car and try to save anyone we can."

Y/N: "That's great to here but..."

He looks back to Cardin and his team, which Sun also look back to him.

Y/N: "Why are they here exactly?"

Cardin steps in, standing proudly.

Cardin: "I didn't want to be one-up by Monkey Boy over there. So, I ordered my team to save twice as many civilians as they can." 

Some of them gives him a deadpan expression, some just roll their eyes, and others just shake their heads at his remark. 

Cardin: "What?"

Ruby: "Anyway, thanks for using the cars as barricades."

Sun: "Don't sweat it. So, what's the situation?"

Oobleck quickly tell both Team SSSN and Team CRDL about the situation. Soon enough, they all managed to hold back the Grimm that barely cross over the police cars barricades. However, they get blindsided as the remaining White Fang begin their final charge while doing their best to avoid the Grimm with the Lieutenant taking the lead.

 However, they get blindsided as the remaining White Fang begin their final charge while doing their best to avoid the Grimm with the Lieutenant taking the lead

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