Chapter 20

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After Y/N and Team RWBY confirm themselves to be in a polyamorous relationship, they all head back down to enjoy the dance with the others. Ruby, Y/N, Blake, Sun, and Neptune were chatting with one another before running into Penny, fully dressed up for the dance.

 Ruby, Y/N, Blake, Sun, and Neptune were chatting with one another before running into Penny, fully dressed up for the dance

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Ruby: "Penny!"

The team leader quickly dashes towards Penny, hugging her for a moment before letting her go.

Penny: "It's so nice to see you all."

Ruby: "Wow, that dress look so cute!"

Penny: "Hehe, why thank you."

Y/N: "Hey, Penny. Haven't seen you in a long while?"

Penny stare at him for a bit before responding brightly.

Penny: "Yes. It's been a while, Y/N. You look quite splendid in your outfit."

Y/N: "Thanks. Really fits me well, doesn't it?"

Penny: "Mm-hm. Sure does and-"

Ciel: "Ahem..."

Behind the cheerful Penny is Ciel, who isn't dressed for the dance, but wearing the same outfit when Ruby, Pyrrha, and Y/N first met her.

Behind the cheerful Penny is Ciel, who isn't dressed for the dance, but wearing the same outfit when Ruby, Pyrrha, and Y/N first met her

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Y/N: "You again."

Neptune: "Uhh... who are you?"

Ciel quickly glance at Neptune and Sun.

Ciel: "Ciel Soleil. I'm Penny's escort."

Sun: "Huh? Escort?"

She quickly looks back at Penny before trying to drag her away from Ruby and the others.

Ciel: "Penny. You're not allowed to interact with them."

As she said this, she quickly points at both Ruby and Y/N, who share a look with one another.

Penny: "Aww, but Ciel, can't I just talk to them for a minute?"

Ciel: "Absolutely n-!"

Her response is but when Yang strolls along past them as she pulls Penny towards the group, doing it much easier than Ciel could ever do, much to her shock.

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