Chapter 29

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(Beacon, Team JNPR's Dorm Room)

Jaune is sleeping soundly with the rest of his team for their mission.

Jaune: "Mmm... Waffles..."

Suddenly, he gets a call on his scroll, making him wake up. Slowly, Jaune tries grab his scroll and once he did, he finds that it's Ruby calling him. He goes to answer it.

Jaune: "Hello, Ruby?"

Ruby: "Ja-"

However, the call is too distorted and garbled to make up what Ruby is trying to say. 

Jaune: "Uh, Ruby? Hello?"

After six seconds of garbled noises, the call ends, leaving the blonde boy incredibly confused and somewhat worried. 

Jaune: "What the heck?"

Nora: "Mmm... Pancakes..."


(Ozpin's Office)

Glynda is helping coordinate the huntsmen going to Mountain Glenn with Ozpin. After doing that, Glynda turns to Ozpin.

Glynda: "Headmaster, I got a distress call from Miss Rose, but the call is distorted. What's that about?"

The headmaster is gazing upon the holographic screen in front of him, visibly troubled. He then quickly looks back at her.

Ozpin: "Tell the huntsmen to quadruple their efforts to get to Mountain Glenn. I believe that Oobleck and our 'scouts' are struggling at this point."

Glynda: "Very well."

The blonde woman quickly gets to work on her scroll, calling the huntsmen heading to Mountain Glenn.

Glynda: ("I never seen the headmaster so... troubled before.")


(Vale's Police Station)

Team SSSN (Season) is bunking and sleeping inside the police department's sleeping quarters while on their first mission. Sharing the place with them is Team CRDL, who snagged the same mission since there were eight slots to fill. The crime wave of dust robberies from the White Fang and Torchwick has really left the police short in staffs. Safe to say, the sleeping quarter they're in is segregated down the middle between the two teams. Especially since the two teams don't exactly get along since they started doing this mission and Team SSSN know about Cardin's constant bullying towards their friends, especially with Jaune and Y/N.

The two sleeping teams were suddenly woken up by the call from Sun's scroll. The only person still asleep is Sun. Grunting and grumbling by the ringing noise, Cardin is the first to speak.

Cardin: "Hey! Monkey Boy! Answer your damn call!"

Scarlet: "His name is Sun, jackass!"

Cardin: "Oh, whatever! It's thanks to him that we're all awake now!"

Sage: "Shut it, Cardin!"

Soon enough, Scarlet and Sage stare dagger at Cardin along with his team as the bully team leader does the same. Groaning, Neptune gets out of his bunk bed and tries shaking Sun a little.

Neptune: "Sun. Sun, wake up."

Sun doesn't wake up, making Neptune sigh as he goes to take his scroll to see that Ruby is trying to call Sun. He decides to answer it himself as he sees his two teammates bickering at Cardin and his team.

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