Chapter 18

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Y/N head to Team RWBY's dorm, knocking on the door and wait patiently for an answer, The door flings open, revealing Ruby, who is the only one person in the dorm.

Ruby: "Oh hey, Y/N. What brings you here?"

Y/N: "Well, I was planning to head to town and shop for some clothes for the dance and I was wondering if you want to come with me."

Ruby: "Wait, me?"

Y/N: "Pretty much. I mean, Yang and Blake are probably having their talk right now and Weiss is already out to talk to Neptune. Besides, do you got something to wear for the dance?"

Upon hearing this question, Ruby recoils a bit. 

Ruby: "Oh... n-no."

Y/N: "And you want to join me, Rubes?"

Ruby: "S-Sure, I'll go with you. "

Y/N: "Great. Meet you at the courtyard."

As he leaves to prepare to head out, Ruby closes the door, her face blushing for a moment before she calms down and puts on her game face on. 

Ruby: ("I'm going out with Y/N.... I kind of... wanted this for a while... Wait! I-I mean, we always hang out and we got to know one another... but we're going to town... together... alone... like a... a date...")

The red-hooded girl's face soon matches the color of her cloak before dashing around her room to get ready.

(A Little Timeskip)

Y/N is waiting for Ruby at the courtyard as he's wearing some casual clothes, but keeping Crimson and Violet with him, just in case. After waiting for a few moments, he overhears Ruby's voice, calling his name out.

Ruby: "Y/N! Hey! Sorry I'm late!"

Ruby: "Y/N! Hey! Sorry I'm late!"

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Y/N: "No problem. So, shall we go?"

Ruby: "Yeah."

The two then head out to the Bullhead that'll take them straight to Vale.

(Several Minutes Later)

The two students are now walking around the city's streets to go to a fancy clothes store. During this, they chat about the kind of dress they'll be seeing at the dance and of course, Ruby state her opinion of not wanting to wear heels.

Ruby: "I'm not exactly the dress type."

Y/N: "Said the girl wearing a combat skirt."

Ruby huffs at this.

Ruby: "That's totally different."

Y/N: "Well, like it or not, Rubes, but it's required to wear heels in a dance."

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