Chapter 21

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In her infiltration outfit, Cinder stealthily approach the CCT, using the narrow back alleys to mask her approach from prying eyes. 

Cinder: "..."

Back at the dance, Ruby and Y/N split off from the party to catch their breaths.

Y/N: "Well, this was fun."

Ruby: "Yeah, no kidding."

Ironwood: "Miss Rose. Mr. L/N."

The two students turn their heads to face Ironwood, standing before them.

Ironwood: "I was hoping to get a word with you two."

Ruby and Y/N share a glance with one another before responding.

Y/N: "I'm fine with that."

Ruby: "Mm-hm."

Ironwood: "Glad to hear it. But not here. Let's move somewhere else."

Later on, the general lead the two students to an empty corner of the dance, making sure no one is listening to them. 

Ironwood: "I'm going to level with you, Miss Rose. I'm fully aware that you know about Penny's true nature."

Ruby: "Huh?"

Y/N: "True nature? Ruby, what's he talking about?"

Ruby: "I... uh... well..."

Ironwood: "Do not worry, Miss Rose. You can tell him."

As the general said this, he gives Y/N a quick nod, which he took notice of this and swiftly nod back. Ruby takes a deep breath before leaning closer to Y/N's ears and whisper to him.

Ruby: "Penny is actually a robot. I found out about this during our White Fang investigation. I was the only one who know about this. Please, keep a secret, for Penny's sake."

Y/N is completely stunned for a moment upon hearing this information. 

Y/N: "Wow... I see. Explains why Penny has Ciel as an escort. That also explain why Penny is so..."

Ruby: "Odd."

Y/N: "Yeah, that's the word." 

The two students slowly look back at the general before them, who's voice become softer.

Ironwood: "Please, both of you. Please stay away from Penny. Don't drag her into anything crazy like back in the docks during your previous semester."

Y/N: "It's fine, General. Robot or not, we don't want Penny getting hurt during our shenanigans either. Isn't that right, Ruby?"

Ruby: "Y-Yeah, well..."

Ironwood: "What is it?"

Ruby looks away a bit before continuing, expressing some frustration.

Ruby: "My team and I can't even get involved in anything crazy at this point since we approached Ozpin about my team's investigation."

This left the general confused over her remark.

Ironwood: "I'm sorry, Miss Rose, but can you and Mr. L/N elaborate?"

The two students explain the cliff notes version of what happened during their investigation and the ensuing prototype Paladin fight. After their explanation, Ironwood is still confused as he responds.

Ironwood: "That's strange... Ozpin never told me about this."

Y/N: "Excuse me?"

Ruby: "I thought Ozpin promised that he would tell all the headmasters about this."

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