Chapter 33

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(The Next Day)

Y/N is relaxing on one of the infirmary's beds, reading a book Blake lent to him after she and the other came to check up on him. He then hears the door open, gaining his attention. As the door open, it reveals to be Team SSSN (Season). 

Sun: "Hey, Y/N!"

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Sun: "Hey, Y/N!"

Y/N: "Sup, guys. Came to check up on me."

Neptune: "Obviously."

Y/N close his book before gazing upon the team. 

Scarlet: "We heard that you took the most damage during the Breach."

Sage: "So, we want to see if you're doing okay."

Y/N: "Aww, you guys are making me blush." 

Neptune: "Anyway, you're doing, okay? That Chimera did a number on you."

Y/N: "Pft. Please, that Grimm was nothing."

Sun: "You sure? From what we saw, Ruby had to save you from being crush by the Grimm's corpse."

In response, Y/N lay back on his bed, stretching his arms a little.

Y/N: "You guys don't have to worry. All that matter is that the situation is over and should be focus on the upcoming Vytal Tournament."

Scarlet: "Oh, crap. You're right. Come on, guys. We need to train and practice."

The team of guys left the infirmary, waving Y/N goodbye as Y/N does the same. After a long while, Y/N goes to eat his food and drink brought by one of the nurses. After eating and drinking, he continues to read his book called "The Wolf and the Crow," a book he wanted to read again. Suddenly, he hears a small knock on the infirmary's door. Not wanting to leave the bed, Y/N responds to it.

Y/N: "You can come in!"

The door open, revealing to be Russel, which surprised Y/N upon seeing him.

The door open, revealing to be Russel, which surprised Y/N upon seeing him

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Russel: "H-Hello..."

Y/N: "Russel?"

Immediately, Y/N's eyes narrowed upon seeing Cardin's partner, giving him a deadpan expression.

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