Chapter 16

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(Tuckson's Bookstore, Start of Flashback)

Police sirens and caution tapes surround the building. A bunch of police officers are scattered all around the crime scene. A few of them discuss over what's the cause of death, the motive, and who would leave the body at the back of the store.

(End of Flashback)

It's been a week since Tuckson's death. During Glynda's class, Y/N is lost in thought, still pondering over the death of Tuckson while a sparring match between Ren and another student ends with Ren being the victor. Ruby, who is sitting behind Y/N, looks at him with some concern as she tap him on the shoulder to get his attention, which it works.

Y/N: "What is it, Ruby?"

Ruby: "Y/N. You alright?"

Y/N: "Y-Yeah. Just thinking to myself."

Ruby: " If you say so."

The rest of his team notice this, especially Yang as she holds his hands which he looks at her, giving him a warm smile. Blake, however, is rather sleepy as she tries to stay awake. 

Glynda: "Okay. Looks like we can fit in one more match for the day. So, who would like to volunteer?"

Swiftly, Y/N raise his hand, wanting to take his mind off Tuckson's death and focus on his class.

Y/N: "I'll go, Miss Goodwitch."

Glynda smiles at this.

Glynda: "Good. Now, anyone else want to spar with him?" 

For a few moments, the rows of students remain still, looking around to see who's going to raise their hand. That's when Mercury raises his hand out.

Mercury: "I'll give it a try." 

Y/N: "Trying to spar with me again?"

Mercury: "Uh-huh."

Upon hearing this, Glynda's smile fade before responding back.

Glynda: "Mercury... Very well. Try not to forfeit like you did with Miss Nikos."

Mercury shrugs as he heads down.

Mercury: "Don't worry, I won't."

He then looks back at Y/N before looking away with a smirk. After minutes of preparing and gearing up, Y/N and Mercury step onto the arena. The two participants ready their fighting stance, waiting for the battle buzzer to ring.

Mercury: "Ready to lose."

Y/N: "I'm ready to spar, yeah."

Once the buzzer ring, Mercury rushed in, throwing a kick at him. In response, Y/N duck under it and hit him in the back of his gauntlets, knocking him forward. Mercury recovers and does a quick step in with a punch. Y/N blocks it and go attack his leg only for Mercury kick him off and goes to kick him on the face, making him back flip away a couple of meters away from Mercury.

Y/N: "Nice reflexes you got there."

He then takes out Crimson and Violet out in their blade mode. 

Y/N rush towards him, weapons at hand, as Mercury goes for a kick flip attack on him only for Y/N caught it with his swords. Y/N push him off as he does a spinning roundhouse kick to Mercury's chest. Y/N follow it up with a knee to his face and a kick to the side of his face. Mercury tries to recover but only met with a barrage of strikes to his body from Y/N's swords and gauntlets. With a single motion, Y/N slash him across the chest, while giving him another kick. As Mercury quickly got up and walks forward, he does a quick sidestep before using his techniques to push Y/N back. Y/N felt some blows reach him, hitting him square on. The moment Mercury was about to kick him in the face until Y/N quickly turns around, blocking it with the sheath Grimm Slayer, catching Mercury by surprise. 

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