Chapter 22

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Only a handful of people found out what happened at the CCT during the dance. Those who participated in the dance were left confused when the dance ended earlier than planned, not knowing that a little incident occurs not too far from them.

(The Next Day, Ozpin's Office)

Ozpin is sitting on his desk, pondering to himself while Ironwood and Glynda argue over the breached security at the CCT. Ironwood angrily slams his fist against Ozpin's desk.

Ironwood: "They were here... Ozpin, they were here!"

Glynda: "We're very much aware of that! Thank you, James."

Ironwood: "Fantastic! You're aware! Now are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?!"

Glynda: "Why are your men even there that night? Normally, there would be a desk agent at CCT."

The general let out a sigh before replying.

Ironwood: "The Council of Vale and Atlas Roundtable strike up a deal, allowing me to use a housing station for some 'sensitive' material (Penny) and thus allowing my men to take up the bulk of the guard duty present for the Vytal Festival."

Glynda was a bit surprised upon hearing this as she turns her attention to Ozpin.

Glynda: "I didn't hear about this."

Ozpin quickly responds back.

Ozpin: "It was a recent occurrence. I was planning to tell you when the dance was over."

The general continues, walking around a bit.

Ironwood: "I suspect that this breach in security is connected with a batch of Paladins that had been stolen from Atlas R&D."

(Several Minutes Ago)

Y/N and Ruby were called to Ozpin's office via by Glynda. After some walking, they head inside the elevator. Y/N look over to Ruby, who seems a little distracted by something. Concerned, Y/N tap her on shoulder.

Y/N: "Ruby, what's wron-?"

Ruby: "Buttons!"

Immediately, Ruby pressed all of the buttons of every floor, leaving the floor Ozpin's office is in as the last button pressed.

Y/N: "Ruby! Why! It's going to take forever now!"

In response, Ruby scratches the back of her head, giggling embarrassingly.

Ruby: "Sorry, I had the urge to press them all."

Y/N let out a sigh, leaning against the elevator's back wall. 

Y/N: "What am I going to do with you...?"

Ruby: "Well... now we can talk... I guess..."

Y/N: "You mean about what happened last night?"

Ruby nods to this. She then goes to explain what happened last night, about how she and Ironwood engage in a fight with this masked person before that same masked person escaped. Y/N digest all the information she told him, never expecting someone to pop up and break in the CCT with ease.

Y/N: "I see. That explains the dance being cut short like that."

The two students stay quiet for a moment, waiting to reach the headmaster's office before Ruby glances at Y/N.

Ruby: "Hey, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yeah, Rubes."

Ruby: "You've been looking... kinda tired lately. And to be honest, you're sort of turning into Blake... almost... when she started doing this."

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