Chapter 24

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With Team RWBY+Y/N split off, but not too far away, Oobleck decides to intercut to each teammate once they've done killing the Grimm, starting off with Yang. Yang goes and take out a couple of Ursas with shotgun shells before turning around to deliver a fiery punch at a charging Creep, killing them in the process. This is when Oobleck approach her and asks. 

Oobleck: "Tell me, Yang. Why did you choose this line of work?"

Yang casually turns around to meet Oobleck's gaze.

Yang: "Huh? Well, to fight monsters and save-"

Immediately, Oobleck cuts her off.

Oobleck: "No, that is what you do. I want to know 'why' you do it. The honest reason as to why you want to be a Huntress."

Considering his remark, Yang ponders for a bit before replying.

Yang: "The honest reason? Well, I'm a thrill-seeker. I want to travel around the world and get wrapped up in as many crazy adventures as I can. And if I help people along the way, then that's even better. It's a win-win, you know?"

Oobleck: "I see."

As the doctor zooms away, the blonde girl looks down at the ground, clenching her fists for a moment before re-focusing her attention to the approaching Grimm. 

Meanwhile, Oobleck is sitting on a high windowsill in a destroyed building, writing in his journal while Weiss fights off Beowolves below.

Oobleck: "And you, Miss Schnee? A girl born into fame and fortune such as yourself certainly doesn't need the extra work. So... why choose this over a cushy job in Atlas? Are you not the heiress of your family's company?"

After impaling the last Grimm with her rapier and drops the body, she slowly turns around to face the doctor.

Weiss: "It's exactly as you said. I'm a Schnee. Which means I always have a target on my back, especially now that I'm the heiress. I grew up in a family where my life is constantly in mortal peril."

As she said that last part, she starts clenching her fists, tightening her weapon before continuing.

Weiss: "So, I want to become self-reliant. I'd rather have control of my own protection and safety rather than wait for someone else to do it for me."

Oobleck: "Hmm, interesting."

The doctor zooms away from the heiress as she ready herself to attack the approaching Grimm.

With Blake, she slashes a door down and releases a swarm of small Nevermore fledglings from the building, which she back-flips under before she shoots them all with her blade's pistol form, resulting in all of the small Grimm to fall to the ground, deteriorating. Oobleck examines the inside of the doorway with Blake.

Oobleck: "And what about you, Blake? You seem to carry yourself with a sense of purpose."

Blake: "I... I don't. I'm actually trying to find one."

Oobleck: "Oh?"

For a moment, Blake ponders over the White Fang and how it's goal for Faunus equality was her purpose. She then responds.

Blake: "I've always been good at fighting. Excell with my skills. But with a purpose to back me up, I've been left adrift, unable to channel my skills that I worked on the last few years. Becoming a huntress was the only line of work I thought I can cling on to."

Oobleck: "I see. Did you found what you're looking for?"

Blake: "Well... what I've found has been 'different' from what I expected. Not good or bad different. It's just... different." 

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