Chapter 19

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(The Next Night)

Ruby and Y/N now fully dressed, walk each other to the dance hall's doors. Yang, now in a short white dress with black heels, stands at a podium.

 Yang, now in a short white dress with black heels, stands at a podium

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The doors in front of her open and she flips out upon seeing her sister in a dress.

Yang: "Oh, you look beautiful!"

In response, Ruby groans, looking distressed over her heels.

Ruby: "Can we have a serious talk about how Weiss fights in these?"

She tries to maintain her balance as she walks to the podium, much to her laughing sister's amusement. As Ruby slowly walk past Y/N and Yang, trying not to fall, a smirking Yang takes a look at Y/N in his suit. 

Yang: "Well, you look quite dashing!"

Y/N feels a bit embarrassed from her compliment.

Y/N: "Hehe. Do you have to make that public knowledge?"

Yang: "What? I'm only spoiling my boyfriend."

Y/N: "Yeah, well-"

Before he could finish, Yang quickly wrap herself around him in a hug. She then whispers into his ear.

Yang: "So... How was your date with my sister?"

Y/N: "Wha! How did-!?"

Yang: "Yesterday, I ask her where she went. Of course, she talks a lot when she's nervous or high on sugar. So, I gave her a cookie and she told me some 'very interesting' things."

As she said this, a sly grin form on her face.

Y/N: "W-Well..."

Yang proceeds to hug him more, pressing her chest against his.

Yang: "Don't sweat it. I don't care if you were dating me, Blake, and Ruby. It just makes it more fun to tease you~"

In response, Y/N laughs a little.

Y/N: "I guess so..."

The blonde girl playfully punches him in the shoulder.

Yang: "Aww, don't be such a sore. We're going to have a lot of fun."

Inside the ballroom, streamers are hung through glass chandeliers, pink and blue balloons are everywhere, and students in dark suits and bright dresses are stepping with each other to the music between the white-clothed tables. The rest of Team RWBY+Y/N spectate Blake, in her own dress, dancing with Sun, seeing her laugh and enjoy herself. 


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