Chapter 14

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(Ozpin's Office, Flashback)

Ruby and Y/N explains the Paladin Incident to the headmaster himself, laying out what they learned during their investigation. Ozpin takes all the information in stride, giving them a nod as Ruby finishes.

Ruby: "And that's all we know."

Ozpin: "I see. Thank you two for bringing this to my attention. Rest assured, I'll consult this with the other headmasters and the Council in the matter."

Y/N: "Okay then."

Ozpin: "For now, you two should focus on your schoolwork and the upcoming dance."

The team leader goes to scratch the back of her head.

Ruby: "Ah right. That's coming up."

Ozpin: "Indeed. Why don't you two enjoy being a student while you're still one."

As he said this, the headmaster nod to Y/N before the two students walk back inside the elevator. Once the elevator's doors close, Ruby turn her head to face Y/N with some level of concern.

Ruby: "Well... at least we didn't get punished for investigating by ourselves."

Y/N: "No kidding. You did good, Rubes."

Ruby gives him a smile before pointing at her head, gesturing him to headpat her.

Y/N: "Oh, alright then."

He proceeds to pat her on the head, making her happy, wishing they stay like this for a long while.

(End of Flashback)

In Port's class, Ruby tries to keep her eyes open when listening to Port's lecture. With her are Pyrrha, Y/N, Sun, and Neptune, all interviewing Port for their papers. The lecture devolved into a battle of wills to stay awake.

Y/N: "Must... stay... awake..."

Ruby: "Ehh..."

Out of all of them, Pyrrha, who's sitting between Ruby and Y/N, is the only one who manage to stay awake and doing it much easier than the rest. The red-haired girl sees her project partner and Y/N slowly falling to sleep and start nudging and whispering them one by one.

Pyrrha: "Ruby, wake up."

Ruby: "H-Huh...? W-What...?"

Pyrrha: "Y/N, you got wake up too."

Y/N: "I-I'm awake..."

Behind them and their desks are Sun and Neptune, who are having a much harder time to stay awake.

Sun: "Can't... stay... awake... uh..."

The monkey Faunus slowly drift to sleep, which his teammate take notice of.

Neptune: "Hey... wake... up... Sun..."

The blue-haired teammate soon falls asleep next to Sun. Y/N, a little bleary-eyed, turns around to Sun and Neptune's direction.

Y/N: "Hey... you guys... wake up..."

Neptune: "N-No mom... five more... minutes..."

Sun just quietly snores as Port continues the lecture. Y/N then turn his attention to Pyrrha.

Y/N: ("How can she... be fully awake? Does she... sleep more than me?")

He turns over to his notes, trying to write down everything Port is saying. After writing down most of it, a bell begins to ring loudly, waking up most of them. 

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