Chapter 28

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Inside the White Fang base of operation, scattered White Fang members are grabbing and pushing crates of dusts, weapons, and supplies, moving out to Mountain Glenn. In the center are Roman and Neo, and the Lieutenant with his trusted troops behind him. Darius is sitting on an empty crate, far from the others but, still capable to hear their conversation. 

White Fang Lieutenant: "Intel from my men reported that they finished modifying the train's two engines. The front engine is converted into a battery ram to break through a series of bulkhead walls set up to seal off the tunnel. The second engine is designed to work in off-road conditions, giving us a head start on the Grimm while deterring as many casualties from our forces as possible."

Darius: "And why is that important?"

The masked man glare at Darius, but Darius is unfazed by this as he motions to continue.

White Fang Lieutenant: "Because human... there's several large auto turrets around Vale and underneath them are those bulkhead walls I mentioned before. We break through the walls; those turrets will collapse on themselves, demolish before the ariel Grimm arrive."

Darius: "About those other train cars..."

White Fang Lieutenant: "9 reinforced passenger train cars in the middle and 8 train cars with the dusts."

The Lieutenant turns to Roman with Neo behind him.

White Fang Lieutenant: "Roman. You and your accomplice will oversee the dust shipments coming in for the train. You'll leave when before the plan is set in motion."

Roman: "Got it. And the dusts...?"

White Fang Lieutenant: "We'll be using them for the bombs attached to the empty train cars."

As he said this, the masked man turns to his trusted troops and the rest who are still working.

White Fang Lieutenant: "Remember! The train itself is merely a secondary assault on Vale! The rest of us will being invading Beacon! Once this plan is set in motion, all of Vale will fall!"

Every member begins to cheer, raising their fists in the air. Roman and Neo walk off as Darius just roll his eyes before walking past one of the Lieutenant's trusted troops, who is cheering with the rest. 

Darius: "..."

(End of Flashback)

The train rushing through a tunnel, loaded with mechs. A White Fang member, one of the Lieutenant's trusted troops, standing on the train hears a noise and looks outside the train to see red and black rose petals before him. He brings out a communication device.

White Fang Member #3: "Uh, I think they're on the-"

The White Fang member falls down as Oobleck hits him in the head with his weapon.

Blake: "Well, there goes the element of surprise."

Ruby: "Zwei. Get in."

In response, Zwei hops inside of Ruby's backpack as she quickly put on her back. 

Meanwhile, Roman was managing the train engine while the Lieutenant trying to manage his stress as he had gotten word of those same intruders are on the train.

White Fang Member #39: "Lieutenant! They made it on the train!"

Roman: "Are you kidding me?!"

The Lieutenant growls at this.

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