Chapter 10

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Classes have been relatively the same for Y/N and his friends. Y/N would take notice Weiss being more high-spirited when they're in Dust Application class. Makes sense, considering she's the heiress of the SDC and she would want to learn everything about this class. As Y/N sit next to Weiss, he slowly slides over to her.

Y/N: "Hey, Weiss?"

Weiss is busy writing down her notes on the class before she glances over to Y/N.

Weiss: "What is it, Y/N?"

Y/N: "I'm having some trouble with these Dust-related questions? Think you can help me?"

Weiss slowly turn her head to face Y/N, then looking at her notebook and papers. She sighs before glancing back at him.

Weiss: "Okay, I'll help you."

Utterly surprised by her reply, Y/N comments. 

Y/N: "Really? Thanks."

The two then talk over dust and the questions revolving around them. Y/N is quite amazed over how studious Weiss can be, especially with dusts. Then again, this is the same girl who believe studying is more of a good use of her free time than actually relaxing. 

Y/N: "Okay. Now I get it."

Weiss: "Geez, we learn this in class the other day."

Y/N: "Yeah well, it's not like I'm very studious like you."

Weiss: "Hm, I'll take that as a compliment."

Once class is over, the rest of the team and friend group head out for lunch, chatting along the way. As for Weiss and Y/N, they plan on leaving the Dust application class as Y/N gets up from his seat.

Y/N: "Anyway, we should head out for lunch."

Weiss: "W-Wait!"

Y/N looks back at Weiss, who is looking away from his gaze.

Y/N: "What is it, Weiss?"

Softly, the heiress does her best to respond. 

Weiss: "T-The thing is... today, I'm planning on visiting some dust shops that haven't been, you know... robbed. So... I was thinking... since I help you... then you'll help me..."

Y/N was taken aback as the Ice Queen herself is basically asking for his help. A small smile form on Y/N's face as he replies.

Y/N: "Sure thing. I got nothing to do today."

Weiss quickly gets up from her seat, placing her hands on her hips.

Weiss: "Good. I'll meet you at the courtyard. Don't be late."

Y/N just roll his eyes, still smiling as Weiss walk pass him.

Y/N: "I won't." ("Never seen Ice Queen this excited before.")

(Later That Day)

Y/N is waiting at the school's courtyard, wearing some casual clothes. 

Y/N: ("Kind of weird that hanging with only Weiss... Eh, could be interesting or knowing us, we just be bickering with each other again.")

At the corner of his eye, he spots the heiress herself as she powerwalks her way to him.

At the corner of his eye, he spots the heiress herself as she powerwalks her way to him

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